Passive Road Safety Systems - Case Study Of Road Section Banja Luka - Prnjavor (M16, M16.1)


  • Ognjen Sančanin Pan-European University “Apeiron” - College Of Traffic Engineering, Banja Luka
  • Danislav Drašković Pan-European University “Apeiron” - College Of Traffic Engineering, Banja Luka
  • Demeter Prislan ICC DEMETER PRISLAN S.P. Coordination of International Cooperation, Dobravica



In this paper, the authors will show the influence of roadside objects on road safety on the Banja Luka - Prnjavor section. Roadside objects have a major impact on the weight of a traffic accident because they represent direct obstacles to the wandering vehicle, which in most cases will be stopped by a collision in one of them in the immediate vicinity of the road. Roadside objects can be of different types and constructions, concrete poles, public lighting poles, trees, inadequately installed rebound fences and unprotected petrol stations are only some of them. Therefore, the essence of this paper is to spot possible roadside objects on the observed road section, categorize them, and make suggestions for short, medium and long term improvements.

