Analysis and security of crypto currency wallets


  • Stevo Jokić



A digital wallet is an electrical device or application trough
which users can preform different types of transactions. They are
divided into two categories of cold and hot digital wallets. The
first category includes digital wallets that require an internet
connection and the second category includes digital wallets that
do not require internet connection. When selecting a wallet, it is
necessary to determine the purpose of using a wallet and then
make a purchase. The use of digital wallets is reflected in various
characteristics. The convenience of using the ability to execute a
mobile phone transaction in matter of seconds. Efficiency is
reflected in the speed of transaction execution. Data organization
is one of the key features of digital wallets. The cost of using
digital wallets is far less than the traditional way to carry out
transactions, which includes different commissions and
payments. Security of digital wallets is at high level. Every day
there is a growing need for their use because of security, speed,
transactions between two users without third party assistance.
This paper describes the current state of digital wallets on the
market, the choices of a better solution for purchasing and using
digital wallets, security of digital wallets and future trends in
their development.

