
  • Stevo Jacimovski
  • Jovan Setrajcic
  • Jelena Lamovec




In the late twentieth century, human race entered the era of
information technology (IT). The IT industry, which deals with the production,
processing, storage and transmission of information, has become an integral
part of the global economic system, a completely independent and significant
sector of the economy. The dependence of the modern society on information
technologies is so great that omissions in information systems may lead to
significant incidents. Telecommunications are the key information technology
industry. However, information is very susceptible to various types of abuse
during transmission. The units for data storage and processing can be
physically protected from anyone wishing harm, but this does not hold true
for the communication lines that span hundreds or thousands of kilometers
and are virtually impossible to protect. Therefore, the problem of information
protection in the field of telecommunications is highly significant. Cryptology,
particularly cryptography, deals with this issue. Quantum cryptography is a
relatively new field ensuring safe communication between the sender and the
recipient using the laws of quantum physics. This paper seeks to address the
principles of the quantum distribution of a key for information encryption and
the fundamental problems arising from the execution.

