The Role of Researcher in Creating the Conversational Narrative Corpus


  • Svetlana Ćirković Balkanology Institute of Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences


Th is paper deals with the anthropolinguistic analysis of examples singled out from interviews forming the corpus used in the study titled The stereotype of time in the discourse of the displaced persons from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. It points to the role of researcher in conducting field interviews with displaced persons. The interventions of the researcher during the interview are in focus here, playing, on the one hand, an important role in creating the complete corpus of the interviews and, on the other, showing some of the differences in the conceptualization of the researchers worlds and their collocutors respectively, which could not have been considered in advance and which were noticed only aft er the interview had been transcribed. Th ese interventions are important, since they direct the collocutor towards the wanted topic.





Cultural Studies