The Impact of the Solvency II Directive on the Insurance Sector in Europe // Uticaj direktive solventnost II na sektor osiguranja u Evropi


  • Iva Tošić Master, istraživač pripravnik Instituta za uporedno pravo u Beogradu



Solvency of insurance companies, its conservation, regulation and control is the basis for the healthy functioning of the insurance market. Solvency is an indicator of stability and security of the companies, as well as the guarantor of execution of obligations. The Solvency II Directive was adopted on 25th of November 2009. She announced big changes in the insurance and reinsurance law, both EU member countries and non-member countries, when it comes to the solvency of the company. The main reason for the adoption of the new directive is strengthening of the integrated market in insurance and reinsurance law through harmonized legal rules. Solvency II aims at a common market, working permit in one member State allows the company carrying out activities in all other member countries. Also, during the implementation of the new directive the countries should have the same rights of protection of the insured. For both requirements is necessary that the supervision rules are agreed and converged all across Europe.
In this paper author analyzes influence of the Solvency II on EU member countries, and to non-EU countries, the state of security in Europe, as well as the extent to which some of the countries harmonized their legislation with the Directive.

