Influence and Contribution of Roman Law to Modern Solutions / Uticaj i doprinos rimskog prava na savremena rešenja


  • Владимир Вулетић Правни факултет Универзитета у Београду



The subject of this article is to analyze the existing solutions in the field of manufacturer liability for defective products in comparative and Serbian law, with particular review of the solution offered by the Consumer Protection Act of 2010.
At the same time, the author aims to demonstrate the importance of the contribution of Roman law to the development of this institution, highlighting the scopes of classical and Justinianic laws.
By examining the European Directive of manufacturer liability for defective products 85/374/EEC (1999/34/EC) and the corresponding Serbian act of 2005, the author advocates an approach that would allow for a careful and meticulous transposition of European regulations into the Serbian legal system. In that context, he welcomes the decision of Serbian legislators to incorporate the solutions from the Obligations Act into the Consumer Protection Act, thus preserving the heritage of Roman law.

