Gender and globalization (Ethic of care in sociology as a factor of overcoming negative globalisation consequences)


  • Lejla Mušić


Globalisation as signifi cant tendency of contemporary age infl uenced enormously
social changes. Social changes formed as result of this process the most
prominently question modern, postmodern sociological authors and authoress
opening pleads of perspectives for solution of negative consequences of globalisation
and apolitical scenery of future changes. Ethic of care as feminist
and eco feminist conception is signifi cant agens movens of changes for global
ecological problems solution. Global becomes glocal, because global and local
are interpolated. Sociologist and eco feminist Salleh demands creation of
ecologically literate sociology. Ethic of care was globally developed in theory
of Jane Addams, later on developed in theory of Mallory, Eislar and Warren.
Modern and postmodern sociological theory with cognitions of feminism
and eco feminism develops signifi cant strategy for overcoming the negative
results of globalisation, in womanism, human progressivism, environmental
nationalism, indigenisation, human progressivism and egalitarism based on
the ethic of care.

