
  • Vladimir Knežević
  • Dragan Ivković




This paper deals with the relation between entrepreneurship education and competitiveness of the national economy. It is based on the assumption that the overall goal of civilization of human society is promotion of a market economy, parliamentary democracy and the rule of law. It is believed that the improvement of competitiveness is of the greatest contribution to the realization of these aspirations as it also requires the development of an integrated market and the establishment of the rule of law, and also provides the material basis and provides an incentive for the development of democratic processes in society. We want to show that the promotion of entrepreneurship education is an important link in the process of improving competitiveness, especially in the middle and high-income countries. Here we analyze the data from the most current report of the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 of the world and from 2012 to 2013. Using the method of correlation analysis we confirm the remarkable cohesion and coherence of entrepreneurship education and competitiveness of the ten sample countries with different levels of economic development, but which do not belong to the circle of the poor. It confirms the hypothesis that entrepreneurship education is an important element of competitiveness in middle-income and advanced economies. Thus useful to point out their development and education for the Balkan transition economies. Way of improving competitiveness will undoubtedly lead the transformation of education in entrepreneurial terms.

