ACTA SCIENTIFICA BALCANICA <p>ACTA SCIENTIFICA BALCANICA je нaучни чaсoпис Прирoднo-мaтeмaтичкoг фaкултeтa Унивeрзитeтa у Бaњoj Луци. Чaсoпис oбjaвљуje рaдoвe из oблaсти прирoдних нaукa (биoлoшкe нaукe, нaукa o Зeмљи и пoвeзaнe нaукe o живoтнoj срeдини, хeмиjскe нaукe, физичкe нaукe, oстaлe прирoднe нaукe, мaтeмaтикa и рaчунaрскe и инфoрмaциoнe нaукe). У чaсoпису сe, кao пoсeбни брojeви, мoгу публикoвaти рaдoви сa скупa, кoнфeрeнциje, симпoзиjумa или кoнгрeсa у чиjoj oргaнизaциjи учeствуje Прирoднo-мaтeмaтички фaкултeт Унивeрзитeтa у Бaњoj Луци. Часопис излази од 2004. године, а до 2020. године излазио је под називом СКУП. Часопис излази два пута годишње.</p> NULRS en-US ACTA SCIENTIFICA BALCANICA 2831-0055 CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE OF THE FAUNA OF HETEROPTERA AT THE NATIONAL PARK KOZARA <p>This paper includes a list of 104 species of Heteroptera recorded at NP Kozara. This is the first time that data are published on specimens collected in August of 2018, 2022 and 2023. The following seven species were determined to be new for the fauna of Heteroptera of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Limnoporus rufoscutellatus (Latreille); Catoplatus nigriceps Horváth, 1905; Deraeocoris (Deraeocoris) flavilinea (A. Costa, 1862); Orthops (Orthops) basalis (A. Costa, 1853); Lygaeus simulans, Deckert 1985; Eysarcoris ventralis (Westwood, 1837); Sciocoris (Aposciocoris) microphthalmus Flor, 1860. Five introduced, invasive species were also identified: Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832); Corythucha ciliata (Say, 1832), Deraeocoris (Deraeocoris) flavilinea (A. Costa, 1862) Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) and Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758).</p> Ljiljana Protić Mihajlo Stanković Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-29 2025-01-29 5 1 10.7251/ASB240501013P ECOLOGICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DANUBE CRAYFISH PONTASTACUS LEPTODACTYLUS (ESCHSCHOLTZ, 1823) FROM THE MATURA RIVER (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA) <p>Danube crayfish, one of the native European crayfish species, is on decline in many parts of its range. The Sava River and its tributaries are under increased pressure from invasive crayfish spreading. Providing data on resident native crayfish species is thus of utmost importance for their better conservation and protection. The population of Pontastacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz, 1823) from a small tributary of the Sava River, The Matura River, has been investigated from May to August 2021. Our research encompassed a sample of 54 adult P. leptodactylus specimens (31 males and 23 females). Crayfish were sampled, measured and released unharmed. A standardized set of 12 morphometric parameters as well as body weight were taken. Positive correlation was found between body length and weight (♂ R2=0.9111; ♀ R2=0.9116), body weight and claws length (♂ R2=0.8923; ♀ R2=0.9596), as well as carapace width and body length (♂ R2=0.9761; ♀ R2=0.8838). Pronounced sexual dimorphism regarding most of the measured parameters was confirmed. Fulton's condition factor and the Crayfish constant both indicate males are in better fitness, which is in line with the results of previous research in Europe. Apart from crayfish data, the main physical and chemical parameters of the habitat and present aquatic macroinvertebrates community were measured as complementary data. Moderate level of organic pollution is present, with N and P (nitrogen and phosphorus) being the main threats, mostly due to intensive agriculture in the area. The macroinvertebrates community consists of 14 identified taxa, with gastropods as the most diverse and abundant group (57%). Crustaceans (Amphipoda and Isopoda) are the subdominant group in terms of relative abundance (30%). The recorded macroinvertebrate community indicates moderate organic pollution, and it is quite typical for similar watercourses in the region.</p> Rajko Roljić Maja Šibarević Elvira Hadžiahmetović Jurida Vera Nikolić Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-29 2025-01-29 5 1 10.7251/ASB240501037R CAN BEARS AND WOLVES COEXIST PEACEFULLY? A CASE STUDY OF A CONFRONTATION RECORD IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA <p>The existing data indicates a steady decrease in the grey wolf (Canis lupus) population of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&amp;H), but despite this there remains no official protective legislation in place for the species. In an attempt to address the issue of protective legislation, we initiated monitoring projects on the grey wolf in B&amp;H with the support of the Rufford Foundation. The aim of these projects was to obtain data on the presence, activity, abundance, and behavior of wolves, while continuously expanding the area of monitoring. Monitoring has been conducted via camera trapping since 2015. Cameras were set up at several localities, at one of which a confrontation between a wolf and European brown bear (Ursus arctos) was recorded. Since these two apex predators have recolonized common regions and habitats across Europe, resource competition and the possibility of inter-specific conflict is more likely. These conflicts may jeopardize the continued existence and future expansion of populations of both bears and wolves in these recolonized habitats. Accordingly, it is very important to study the nature of their coexistence, and the resulting data is ultimately essential for helping to create or resume conservation management plans for both species. Moreover, these data can help highlight areas for data collection and monitoring, thus providing important baseline information for survey planning.</p> Dragana Šnjegota Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-29 2025-01-29 5 1 10.7251/ASB240501003S