БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИС2023-06-27T16:54:44+02:00Милена Ивановићbijeljinamc@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong><span class="style9" lang="SR-CYR">Бијељински методички часопис</span></strong><span class="style9" lang="SR-CYR">, </span><span class="style9">ISSN </span><span lang="en-us">2303-5366</span><span class="style9" lang="SR-CYR">, електронски часопис, који уређују и публикују наставници и сарадници Педагошког факултета / Центра за високо образовање у Бијељини Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву</span></p> MORFOLOŠKIH KARAKTERISTIKA I MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI UČENIKA 4. RAZREDA2023-06-27T15:31:47+02:00Milovan Pantić<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Postoji veza između fizičke aktivnosti i zdravlja čoveka/deteta i ona je neraskidiva. Međusobno su povezani i u velikoj meri uslovljeni jedno drugim. Potrebno je da aktivnosti usmeravamo u cilju održavanja i poboljšavanja zdravstvenog stanja. Odatle i termin “zdravstveno usmerene fizičke aktivnosti” koji se koristi širom Evrope. Bilo koji vid aktivnosti koristi zdravlju i funkcionalnim kapacitetima bez rizika ili oštećenja. Možemo razlikovati fizičku aktivnost umerenog inteziteta i fizičku aktivnost visokog inteziteta, koje u različitoj meri deluju na organizam i metabolizam. Uglavnom, govori se i preporučuje fizička aktivnost umerenog inteziteta.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-06-27T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИС OF CHILDREN WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DIFFICULTIES IN REGULAR PRESCHOOL INSTITUTIONS2023-06-27T15:09:02+02:00Сара Билић<div class="page" title="Page 8"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The development of a preschool child is an unfinished, constant process in which there are changes in physical, intellectual and social functions, and in the child's personality.Inclusion of children with developmental difficulties in a regular educational program, implies equal rights to education for every child. The basic idea of an inclusive approach in education is based on the expectation that this approach will have positive effects on the development of children belonging to different social groups. A key factor in inclusive education is the continuous partnership between the preschool institution and the family, as well as changing the consciousness of individuals, acceptance of differences and adapting the educational program to the needs and capabilities of each child in the group.<br>Accordingly, the aim of this studies is to raise awareness of the importance of inclusion for the development of children with disabilities and inclusion in regular educational institutions from early childhood, as a guide for all parents of children with disabilities, future parents, educators and all those who work with children.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-06-27T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИСЕФЕКТИ ПРОГРАМИРАНОГ ТРЕНИНГА НА ПРОМЈЕНЕ У МОТОРИЧКИМ СПОСОБНОСТИМА КОД ДЈЕЦЕ ПРЕДШКОЛСКОГ УЗРАСТА2023-06-27T16:46:09+02:00Лепосава Божићww@email.comСлавица Савић<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Као што је већ познато, предшколски узраст одликује интензиван развој моторичких способности. Првo се развијају брзина и координација, а нешто касније снага, издржњивост, прецизност, флексибилност и pавнотежа. У овом раду биће ријечи о процјени моторичких способности код дјеце предшколског узраста. Узорак испитаника je издвојен из популације дјеце предшколског узраста (од 5 до 6 година) која нису укључена у додатне програме физичких активности спортске специјализације. Укупан узорак чинило је педесеторо дјеце која су равномјерно полно распоређена. Испитаници су у тренутку процјене моторичких способности били полазници ЈПВО Дјечијег вртића „Наша радост“ из Зворника и полазници ЈПВО Дјечијег вртића ,,Наша радост“ из Козлука, равномјерно распоређени по 25. у експерименталној и 25. у контролној групи. Истраживање је спроведенo у периоду од 25.3.2022. до 25.5.2022. године, са по три термина седмично у трајању од 45 минута. Велика пажња је усмјерена на мотивацију како би дјeцa остварила максималне резултате у тестираним варијаблама. Примјењено је 7 тестова за процјену моторичких способности према моделу Бала, Стојановић и Стојановић (2007).</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-06-27T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИСПРИМЈЕНА ОРФОВОГ ИНСТРУМЕНТАРИЈА У ПРЕДШКОЛСКИМ УСТАНОВАМА2023-06-27T16:33:50+02:00Драгана Марјановић<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Наставна средства заузимају посебно мјесто у остваривању плана активности и садржаја активности музичке културе. Она су неопходна за одржавање квалитетне активности. У активностима музичке културе не може главну улогу да има само глас васпитача као једино средство за активност, требало би употребљавати сва наставна средства, како она коју могу из- радити сами васпитачи и дјеца у вртићу, тако и она која се могу купити. У оквиру задатака на- ставе музичке културе у Службеном гласнику – Просветном гласнику РС 12. августа 2004. го- дине на страни 57–63 између осталог је наведено да дјеца треба да упознају дјечије инструменте и начине свирања на њима (штапићи, бубањ, звечке, тријангл, чинеле, даире). Такође се наводи да на основу искуства у извођењу музике препознају звуке које ствара глас (говор-пјевање), сте- пене јачине звука (гласно-тихо), различита темпа (брз-спор), трајање кратак-дуг (Службени гла- сник, 2004).</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-06-27T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИС TO MUSIC IN IV GRADE2023-06-27T15:56:57+02:00Амра Реџић<div class="page" title="Page 10"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Listening to music is investigated in this paper. The aim of this research is to find out towhat extent and what kind of music children listen to, to examine the interest in music among students in the IV grade of the elementary school „Meša Selimović“ in Janja. A survey questionnaire was used during the research. The research included 59 students – 28 girls and 31boys. The data were processed statistically and presented in tabular, graphical and textual form. Based on the results, we can see that students are actively listening to music in the music culture class, and thus developing attention, enriching knowledge and good taste.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-06-27T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИС COMPLEX AND CONTRADICTORY NATURE OF WOMEN CHARACTERS IN SHAKESPEARE'S GREAT TRAGEDIES2023-06-27T15:36:01+02:00Татјана А. Думитрашковић<div class="page" title="Page 7"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>During Shakespeare's age women had very little authority, autonomy and recognition. They acquired status based on the position of their father or husband. They were expected to be silent observers. In these circumstances, Shakespeare created beautiful and unforgettable female characters who show great intelligence, vitality and a strong sense of personal independence, but also act as a mirror of his age. These qualities have led some critics to regard Shakespeare as an innovator who abandoned established characterizations and stereotypical ways of portraying women in the literary works of his age. Other critics suggest that Shakespeare was not free from the misogynistic tendencies that were present in the culture of the age in which he lived. Women are not main characters in Shakespeare`s plays but they play important roles in which it can clearly been seen what and how much the society and time in which they lived influenced them. The paper will focus on Shakespeare`s three great tragedies Hamlet, Macbeth and King Lear. A close examination of the role of women in these tragedies reveals that, despite the social control placed upon them these women often reveal a strength that go beyond anything that can be expected.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-06-27T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИС DOSADAŠNJIH ISTRAŽIVANJA MOTORIČKIH I FUNKCIONALNIH SPOSOBNOSTI KOD DJECE NIŽEG ŠKOLSKOG UZRASTA2023-06-27T15:23:41+02:00Rajka Popovićww@email.comMarijana Rikićww@email.comNevena Stuparww@email.comSuzana Iliškovićww@email.comSlavica Kolović<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Svrha ovog rada je bila da se pregledaju dosadašnjaistraživanja stranih autora vazena za motoričke i funkcionalne sposobnosti kod djecenižeg školskog uzrasta. Ukupan broj pregledanih radova je 50. Metode koje su korišćene za vrijeme ovog istraživanja su metode teorijske analize i deskriptivno-eksplikativne metode. Prikazana su pitanja kojim su se autori bavili, na kom uzrastu i polu djece, kojim instrumentima su radili istraživanja i do kojih zaključaka su došli. Rezultati do kojih smo došli pregledom dosadašnjih radova su da postoji značajna razlika između dječaka i djevojčica u motoričkim i funkcionalnim sposobnostima. Rezultati su pokazali da se prema starosnim godinama i prema smetnjama u razvoju vide značajne razlike, takođe se iz radova vidi da nedostaje stalno praćenje učenika i njihovih napredovanja sposobnosti u razvoju.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-06-27T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИС posebnog trenažnog vježbanja na motoričke sposobnosti kod djece2023-06-27T16:54:44+02:00Dajana Gluvićdajana_gluvic@hotmail.comMiloš Vujićić<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Kao što nam je već poznato, predškolski i mlađi školski uzrast odlikuje intenzivan razvoj motoričkih sposobnosti. Prve se razvijaju brzina i koordinacija, a nešto kasnije snaga, izdržnjivost, preciznost, fleksibilnost i tavnoteža. U ovom radu biće riječi o procjeni motoričkih sposobnosti kod djece predškolskog uzrasta. Uzorak ispitanika je izdvojen iz populacije djece uzrasta (od 6 do 7 godina) koja nisu uklјučena u dodatne programe fizičkih aktivnosti sportske specijalizacije. Ukupan uzorak činilo je 50. djece koja su ravnomjerno polno raspoređena. Ispitanici su u trenutku procjene motoričkih sposobnosti bili polaznici Dječijeg vrtića „Naša radost“ iz Zvornika i polaznici Dječijeg vrtića ,,Naša radost“ iz Kozluka, ravnomjerno raspoređeni po 25. u eksperimentalnoj i 25. u kontrolnoj grupi. Istraživanje je sprovedeno 25.3.2022. godine do 25.5.2022. godine, sa po tri termina sedmično u trajanju od 45 minuta. Velika pažnja je usmjerena na motivaciju kako bi djeca ostvarila maksimalne rezultate u testiranim varijablama. Primjenjeno je 7 testova za procenu motoričkih sposobnosti prema modelu Bala, Stojanović i Stojanović (2007).</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-06-27T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИСАНАЛИЗА СТАЊА ИНФОРМАТИЧКЕ ПИСМЕНОСТИ У ОСНОВНОЈ И СРЕДЊОЈ ШКОЛИ СА ОПШТИНЕ УГЉЕВИК2023-06-27T16:42:36+02:00Драган Љубојевић<div class="page" title="Page 15"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The research we conducted aimed to present an analysis of the state of information literacy in primary and secondary schools in the municipality of Ugljevik. Nowadays, it is necessary to know that we use computers and information technologies in the right way, which is why there is a need to be computer literate. Teachers are the ones who should help students to be able to use computers and information technology properly and to know how to use them as a tool to help them solve certain problems. In order for students to be trained in the proper use of computers and information technology, in the first place there must be teachers who will know how to use them, so a survey was conducted to examine how much knowledge students have in information technology and to whether they can be considered computer literate. The paper presents the results of the research.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div>2023-06-27T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИС OF THE CALENDAR OF NATURE IN THE TEACHING OF NATURE AND SOCIETY2023-06-27T16:29:03+02:00Александра Томић<div class="page" title="Page 8"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Practically applied knowledge and development of skills that are useful in everyday life, but also in mastering materials from nature and society, is possible by using calendar of nature. Through the calendar of nature, students in a fun and interesting way critically and actively participate in learning about the world, or the environment and the nature that surrounds them. The basic characteristics and the applied nature calendar in the lower grades of primary school are the subject of processing and research in the paper. The goal of the research is to determine whether the nature calendar is applied in the younger grades of elementary school. The research was conducted on a sample of 58 respondents, where the respondents were primary school teachers in primary schools in Bijeljina. The obtained research results indicate an insufficiently applied calendar of nature in the lower primary school age, and we should certainly work on the frequency of the applied calendar of nature in the teaching of nature and society. More frequent use of nature calendars would lead to increased independence and creativity of children, and easier acquisition of knowledge about thematic units and teaching units that are planned for processing within the subject of nature and society that should work in the future within the process of building and developing society.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-06-27T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИСРИТМИЧКЕ СПОСОБНОСТИ УЧЕНИКА IV И V РАЗРЕДА2023-06-27T15:42:50+02:00Ана Ж. Трипуновићww@email.comДрагана И. Јовићww@email.comКатарина С. Панић Продановићww@email.comБранкица Д. Лазаревић<div class="page" title="Page 9"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The research was conducted to determine the rhythmic abilities of 4th and 5th grade students of the Elementary School "Stevan Nemanja" from Dragaljevac Gornji and its regional departments. A descriptive method was used for the research, and a questionnaire and a test of reproduction of rhythmic motives were used for the students. A total of 40 students were included in this study, 22 boys and 18 girls. The data were processed statistically, and then presented textually, tabularly and graphically.With the questionnaire, we found out what is the general success of students in the previous semester, success in music culture, what kind of music they listen to, whether they attend music school, a section, whether they play an instrument and whether they went to kindergarten. Then the students did a test of reproduction of rhythmic motives, which contained five tasks. Analyzing the results of the reproduction of given rhythmic motives, we can conclude that students can largely deduce lighter rhythmic motives, while the number of students who can detect heavier motives is smaller.The conclusion is that rhythmic abilities in children are developed, but that there is still a small, objective difference in the rhythmic abilities of children of different genders and ages.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-06-27T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 БИЈЕЉИНСКИ МЕТОДИЧКИ ЧАСОПИС