Процјена успјешности на пријемном испиту
Сажетак. Анализитане су типичне математичке и дидактичке грешке које тестирани кандидати
праве при рјешавању задатака улазног теста из Математике при упису на факултет. Посебна пажња
поклоњена је концептним и процесним уоченим математичким грешкама.
Abstract. Typical mathematical and didactic mistakes that the tested candidates in real problem solving in
mathematics entrance test for admission to the Faculty are analyzed. Special attention was given to the
identified conceptual and processul mathematical mistakes.
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[6] Radatz, H. (1979). Error analysis in mathematics education. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 10(3): 163–172.
[7] Романо, Д.А. (2010). Шта знамо о математичком мишљењу? MAT-KOL (Banja Luka), Posebna izdanja, No. 13(2010).
[8] Schwab, J.J. (1964). Structure of the disciplines: meanings and significances. In Ford, G. W. & Pugno, L. The structure of knowledge and the curriculum. (pp. 6-30). Chicago: Rand McNally
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Јагодина 2015, ISBN 978-86-7604-141-1.
[2] Kilpatrick, J., Swafford, J. and B. Findell (2001). Adding it up: helping children learn mathematics. National Academy Press Washington, DC
[3] Kriegler, S. (1997, 2006): Just what is algebraic thinking? Доступно на адреси:
[4] Legutko, M. (2008). An analysis of students’ mathematical errors in the teaching-research process. In B. Czarnocha (Ed.), Handbook for mathematics teaching: Teacher experiment. A tool for research (pp. 141–152). Rzeszόw: University of Rzeszόw.
[5] Olivier, A. (1989). Handling pupils’ misconceptions. Pythagoras, 21: 10–19.
[6] Radatz, H. (1979). Error analysis in mathematics education. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 10(3): 163–172.
[7] Романо, Д.А. (2010). Шта знамо о математичком мишљењу? MAT-KOL (Banja Luka), Posebna izdanja, No. 13(2010).
[8] Schwab, J.J. (1964). Structure of the disciplines: meanings and significances. In Ford, G. W. & Pugno, L. The structure of knowledge and the curriculum. (pp. 6-30). Chicago: Rand McNally
[9] van Hiele, P. M. (1986). Structure and Insight. New York: Academy Press.