Factor Analysis and Principal Component of Project Delays Durign the Covid-19 Pandemic Due to Supply Chain Disruptions: Lesson Learned
Each crisis provides food for thought concerning project management,
and lessons can be drawn for the future regarding risk mitigation. In that
milieu, there has been a lot of scientific discussion about the effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic on project implementation. That discussion pointed
to numerous factors that led to delays in the execution of projects. Thus,
this study aims to identify the main factors that caused project delays
during the pandemic. For this purpose, we used factor analysis, more
precisely principal component analysis, to determine the main culprits
that caused project delays. Factor analysis pointed to two primary causes
of project delays during the pandemic, namely Epidemic-Related
Disruptions and Supply chain disruptions. These findings indicate two
basic groups of factors enabling a much more focused approach to project
management should similar crises occur in the future.