SPORT I ZDRAVLJE Časopis Sport i Zdravlje publikuje radove iz oblasti fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta i dodirnih biomedicinskih, humanistickih, društvenih i prirodnih nauka, sa neobjavljenim rezultatima naucčnih istraživanja i novim empirijskim iskustvima.<br />Izdavač: Univerzitet u Istocnom Sarajevu, Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta. en-US (Danko Pržulj) (Milomir Trivun) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:29:48 +0100 OJS 60 МOTIVISANOST UČENIKA OSNOVNE ŠKOLE ZA FIZIČKO VASPITANЈE U SLOBODNO VRIJEME <p>Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita da li i u kojoj mjeri socio-pedagoška obilježja učenika starijeg osnovnoškolskog uzrasta doprinose stepenu motivisanosti učenika za fizičko vaspitanje u slobodnom vremenu. Definisana socio-pedagoška obilježja učenika su: pol, razred koji pohađaju, školski uspjeh i uključenost učenika u vanškolske sportske aktivnosti. Populaciju čine učenici Osnovne škole “Branko Ćopić” Prnjavor (Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina). Uzorak čini ukupno 133 učenika od toga je: 45 (33,80%) učenika petih razreda, 42 (31,60%) učenika sedmih razreda i 46 (34,60%) učenika devetih razreda. U tu svrhu realizovano je kvantitativno istraživanje. Definisani zadaci istraživanja predstavljaju fundamentalne segmente problema i predmeta istraživanja. U istraživanju je primjenjen samostalno kreiran petostepeni skaler Likertovog tipa „Stavovi učenika za fizičko vaspitanje u slobodno vrijeme“ uz pomoć kojeg se utvrđivala procjena motivisanosti učenika za fizičko vaspitanje u slobodnom vremenu. Analizom relijabilnosti dobio se zadovoljavajući nivo pouzdanosti α=0,92. Uz pomoć anketnog upitnika „Anketni upitnik za učenike“ došlo se do saznanja o socio-pedagoškim obilježjima ispitanika, te na koji način učenici provode svoje slobodno vrijeme i koji je vremenski interval koji imaju u toku dana za slobodne aktivnosti. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je motivisanost učenika osnovne škole za fizičko vaspitanje slaba. Blagi stepen motivacije za fizičko vaspitanje primjećen je tek kod vrlodobrih učenika.</p> Jovana Njegovan, Brane Mikanović Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 SPONZORSTVO U SPORTU <p>Sponzorstvo kao oblik propagande i direktan način komuniciranja kompanije sa svojom ciljnom grupom potrošača predstavlja značajan deo savremenih marketing strategija tržišnih aktera. Da bi neka kompanija zabeležila značajan uspeh na svakom, globalnom, regionalnom, nacionalnom, pa čak i lokalnom tržištu, potrebno je da se razlikuje od konkurenata, stvara konkurentnu prednost, uliva iskrenost i poverenje kod kupaca i poseduje određenu dozu ekskluzivnosti. Sponzorstvo čini jedan od najjednostavnijih oblika marketing odnosa za ostvarivanje programa, ciljeva i predstavlja najznačajniji izvor finansijskih sredstava kako za mnoge vlasnike sportskih klubova, tako i za organizatore sportskih događaja i sportiste. Klasična propaganda (advertajzing), već zastarelim i neefikasnim metodama to zasigurno ne može ostvariti. Taj vid komuniciranja se sve više pokazuje kao nedovoljno efikasan zbog svoje agresivnosti, neubedljivosti i indirektnog odnosa sa potencijalnim potrošačima. U ovom radu su predstavljeni tipovi i primeri sponzorstva u sportskoj industriji, kao način na koji direktan kontakt sa ciljnom tržišnom grupom, ekskluzivnost i povezivanje u javnosti sa sponzorisanom aktivnošću, uliva sigurnost i poverenje kod potrošača. Uspeh je skoro zagarantovan, pogotovo ako i sponzorisani događaj, organizacija ili pojedinac ostvare zapažene rezultate.</p> Ana Gavrilović, Uroš Selenić, Slavko Dragosavljević Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 SPECIFIČNE KARAKTERISTIKE MIŠIĆA OPRUŽAČA NOGU KOD VRHUNSKIH ODBOJKAŠA OBA POLA U SRBIJI <p>Adekvatna priprema mišića opružača nogu je veoma važna, posebno u sportovima koji uklјučuju nekoliko različitih tehnika izvođenja skokova. Podaci o karakteristikama sila – vreme određene mišićne grupe su osnovni podaci o sposobnosti sportiste koji se prikuplјaju u cilјu kontrole fizičke pripremlјenosti. Cilј ovog rada je bio da se utvrde deskriptivne i polne razlike različitih specifičnih izometrijskih karakteristika modela sila-vreme vezanih za mišiće opružače nogu kod elitnih igrača odbojke u Srbiji. Devetnaest muških (visina=199,21±4,94 cm, masa=91,05±6,95 kg, starost=22,58±2,97 godina) i dvadeset ženskih (visina=184,65±7,00 cm, masa=70,65±6,15 kg, starost=22,92±3.73 godine) igrača odbojke su radili standardizovani izometrijski “leg press test” kako bi se procenile karakteristike izometrijske sile mišića opružača nogu. Opseg merenja je bio definisan sa 8 (osam) varijabli prema 4 (četiri) različite dimenzije: 1) nivo postignute sile, 2) brzina razvoja sile, 3) vreme potrebno za dostizanje određenog nivoa sile, 4) različiti parametri indeksa; prostor osnovnih, specifičnih i specijalnih karakteristika mišićne sile mišića opružača nogu. Analizom MANOVA je utvrdjeno da postoji značajna razlika od p &lt; 0,05 u svim kontraktilnim karakteristikama među posmatranim subuzorcima na nivou Vilks´ Lambda 0,098, F = 25,814, p = 0,000. Rezultati su pokazali da odbojkaši ostvaruju veće vrednosti od odbojkašica u svim kontraktilnim karakteristikama u prostoru specifičnih i specijalnih karakteristika mišićne sile mišića opružača nogu. Velika je verovatnoća da se ove razlike ne mogu objasniti samo na osnovu polnih razlika, već na osnovu ukupnog intenziteta i obima i/ili vrste treninga snage i mišićne jačine tokom trenažnog procesa - faktora koji zaslužuju obraćanje posebne pažnje u trenažnom radu sa sportistima. Dobijeni podaci se mogu koristiti kao povratna informacija o karakteristikama kontraktilnih sposobnosti pojedinih mišića opružača nogu kod vrhunskih odbojkaša i odbojkašica u cilјu praćenja njihove fizičke pripremljenosti, kao i kontrole i optimizacije samog trenažnog procesa.</p> Jelena Ivanović, Aco Gajević, Milivoj Dopsaj, Nikola Aksović, Slavko Dragosavljević Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 PROFIL POVREDA BRDSKIH TRKAČA: POREĐENJE POLOVA <p>Broj događaja i distanci u brdskim trkama je eksponencijalno rastao. U međuvremenu, broj trkača je takođe značajno porastao. Povećano uc es će u brdskim trkama rezultiralo je povećanjem povreda trkac a. Ovo istraz ivanje ima za cilj analizu i upoređivanje (muškarci i žene) iskustva, vremena treninga i povreda zadobijenih tokom bavljenja ovim sportom. Uzorak (n=306) su činili muškarci (n=261) i žene (n=45) koji su učestvovali na trci Kanfrank – Kanfrank (Španija). Instrument koji se koristi je upitnik za profil trkača i sklonost sportskim povredama. Nije bilo značajnih razlika (p=0,01) između muških i ženskih varijabli: godina iskustva u trčanju, godine iskustva u brdskom trčanju, sati treninga i vreme nedeljno, kao i povrede u prethodne tri godine i tri meseca. Potrebna su dalja istraživanja kako bi se analizirali i uporedili muški i ženski trkači na različitim distancama i brdskim trkama.</p> Carlos Castellar-Otín, Guillermo López-García, Francisco Pradas de la Fuente, Miguel Ángel Ortega Zayas Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 ISTORIJSKI PREGLED ODNOSA OFICIRSKOG KADRA PREMA SPORTU I SPORTSKIM ORGANIZACIJAMA OD 1882. DO 1941. GODINE U KRALJEVINI SRBIJI, KRALJEVINI SHS I KRALJEVINI JUGOSLAVIJI <p>Rad obrađuje povezanost između sporta, sportskih organizacija i oficirskog kadra sa ciljem da ukaže na određene povezanosti i posledice. Mnogi oficiri koji su završili Vojnu akademiju obavljali su najviše državne dužnosti u različitim oblastima (posebno su bili prisutni u sportu i sportskim institucijama ali i nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja), što dokazuje da su oficiri uticali ne samo na razvoj i napredak tadašnjih vojski u kojima su služili, već i država i institucija u celini. Istorijskom metodom istraživali smo odnose i relacije između sporta, sportskih organizacija i pripadnika oficirskog kadra, kao i uticaj društva na ove odnose. Prisutna istorijska istraživanja ukazuju da između aktivnosti pripadnika različitih vojsci država sa naših prostora (Kraljevina Srbija, Kraljevina Srba Hrvata i Slovenaca i Kralјevina Jugoslavija) i sporta i sportskih organizacija postoji neraskidiva i praktično značajna veza u vidu zajedničkih interesa i ciljeva. Teorijsko kritičkom analizom rad istražuje te odnose i ukazuje na visoki uticaj, zalagnje oficira u formiranju i radu sportskih klubova, i širenju olimpijske ideje u navedenim državama.</p> Zvezdan Savić, Nikola Stojanović, Đorđe Savić, Goran Prebeg Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 EFEKTI VISOKO-INTENZIVNOG INTERVALNOG TRENINGA NA KARDIORESPIRATORNE PARAMETRE ADOLESCENATA S PREKOMJERNOM TJELESNOM TEŽINOM <p>Cilj sistemskog pregleda je da se sveobuhvatno procijeni postojeća literatura o efektima visoko-intenzivnog intervalnog treninga, intervalnog treninga visokog intenziteta na kardiorespiratorne parametre kod adolescenata sa prekomjernom tjelesnom težinom. Pretraživanje literature izvršeno je pomoću baza podataka Google Scholar i PubMed. Radovi su birani na osnovu parametara: godina objavljivanja, vrste intervencije, starosne grupe ispitanika. HIIT intervencije u trajanju od 2-24 nedelje, tri puta sedmično dosljedno daju poboljšanja kardiorespiratornih parametara kod gojaznih adolescenata. HIIT intervencije imaju pozitivan uticaj na kardiorespiratorne parametre kod adolescenata sa prekomjernom tjelenom težinom.</p> Srećko Stanišić, Bojan Bjelica, Edi Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 HISTORICAL REVIEW OF OFFICERS' RELATIONS TOWARDS SPORTS AND SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS FROM 1882 TO 1941 IN THE KINGDOM OF SERBIA, KINGDOM OF SHS, AND KINGDOM OF YUGOSLAVIA <p>The paper deals with the connection between sports, sports organizations, and military officer staff, pointing out certain connections and consequences. Many officers who graduated from the Military Academy performed the highest government duties in various fields (they were predominantly present in sports and sports institutions, but also physical education classes), which proves that the officers influenced not only the development and progress of the then armies in which they served but also the state and the institution as a whole. Using the historical method, we investigated the relationships between sports, sports organizations, and officers, as well as the influence of society on these relationships. Current historical research indicates that there is an unbreakable and practically significant connection between the activities of army members of different countries from our area (the Kingdom of Serbia, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenians, and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) and sports and sports organizations in the form of common interests and goals. Through theoretical and critical analysis, the paper explores those relationships and points to officers' strong influence and efforts in forming and operating sports clubs and spreading the Olympic idea in the mentioned countries.</p> Zvezdan Savić, Nikola Stojanović, Đorđe Savić, Goran Prebeg Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 THE EFFECTS OF HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING ON THE CARDIORRESPIRATORY PARAMETERS OF ADOLESCENTS WITH EXCESSIVE BODY WEIGHT <p>The aim of the systematic review is to comprehensively evaluate the existing literature on the effects of high-intensity interval training on cardiorespiratory parameters in overweight adolescents. The literature search was performed using the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. Papers were selected based on parameters: year of publication, type of intervention, age group of respondents. HIIT interventions lasting 2-24 weeks, three times a week consistently provide improvements in cardiorespiratory parameters in obese adolescents. HIIT interventions have a positive effect on cardiorespiratory parameters in overweight adolescents.</p> Srećko Stanišić, Bojan Bjelica, Edi Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 SPONSORSHIP IN SPORTS <p>Sponsorship as a form of propaganda and a direct way of communicating between the company and its target group of consumers is a significant part of modern marketing strategies of market players. For a company to succeed in any global, regional, national, and even local market, it needs to differentiate itself from its competitors, create a competitive advantage, instill honesty and trust in customers, and possess a certain amount of exclusivity. Sponsorship is one of the simplest forms of marketing relations to realize programs and goals. It represents the most significant source of financial resources for many sports club owners and organizers of sports events and athletes. Classical propaganda (advertising), with outdated and ineffective methods, cannot achieve this. That type of communication is increasingly proving ineffective due to its aggressiveness, convincingness, and indirect relationship with potential consumers. This paper presents types and examples of sponsorship in the sports industry as a way in which direct contact with the target market group, exclusivity, and connection public with the sponsored activity instills security and trust in consumers. Success is almost guaranteed, especially if the sponsored event, organization, or individual achieves notable results.</p> Ana Gavrilović, Uroš Selenić, Slavko Dragosavljević Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 SPECIFIC FORCE-TIME CHARACTERISTICS OF LEG EXTENSORS IN ELITE VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS BOTH GENDER IN SERBIA <p>Adequate preparation of the leg extensors is highly important especially in sports which involve several jumping techniques. Information on force-time characteristics of the certain muscle group is the basic information on athlete ability which are gathered with intention to control the athlete`s physical preparation. The aim of this paper was to determine descriptive and sexual dimorphism of different specific isometric characteristics of force-time model related to leg extensors in elite volleyball Serbian players. Nineteen male (height=199.21±4.94 cm, mass=91.05±6.95 kg, age=22.58±2.97 years) and twenty female (height=184.65±7.00 cm, mass=70.65±6.15 kg, age=22.92±3.73 years) elite volleyball players performed a standardized “isometric leg press” test in order to assess the characteristics of isometric force from their leg extensors. The measurement range was defined by 8 variables according to 4 different dimensions – 1) the level of achieved force, 2) rate of force development, 3) the time necessary for reaching the certain level of force, 4) different index parameters; covering the space of basic, specific and special characteristics of leg extensors muscle force. MANOVA established that there is a significant difference of p &lt; 0.05 in all contractile characteristics among observed sub-samples at the level of Wilks´ Lambda 0.098, F = 25.814, p = 0.000. The present findings demonstrated that the male volleyball players produce higher values than the female players in all contractile characteristics of covering the space of specific and special characteristics of leg extensors muscle force. It is highly likely that these differences cannot be explained only on the basis of sexual differences, but on the basis of overall intensity and volume and/or type of power and strength training during the training process as well, factors which deserves attention in work with athletes. The obtained data can be used as a reverse information on characteristics of a certain leg extensors contractile ability in elite volleyball players in order to follow fitness profile of athletes, to control and optimize training process.</p> Jelena Ivanović, Aco Gajević, Milivoj Dopsaj, Nikola Aksović, Slavko Dragosavljević Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 MOTIVATION OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THEIR FREE TIME <p>The aim of this research was to examine whether and to what extent the socio-pedagogical characteristics of upper elementary school students contribute to their level of motivation for physical education in their free time. The defined sociopedagogical characteristics of students include gender, the grade they are in, school performance, and students' involvement in extracurricular sports activities. The population consists of students from the "Branko Copić" Elementary School in Prnjavor (Republica Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina). The sample comprises a total of 133 students, including 45 (33.80%) fifth-grade students, 42 (31.60%) seventhgrade students, and 46 (34.60%) ninth-grade students. To achieve this, a quantitative research approach was carried out. The defined research objectives represent fundamental components of the problem and the subject of the study. In the research, a self-created five-point Likert scale: "Students' Attitudes towards Physical Education in Their Free Time" was applied to assess the students' motivation for physical education in their free time. The reliability analysis yielded a satisfactory level of reliability with α=0.92. Using the survey questionnaire "Student Survey," information about the socio-pedagogical characteristics of the respondents was obtained, as well as how students spend their free time and the time intervals they have available for leisure activities during the day. The results indicate that the motivation of elementary school students for physical education is weak. A mild level of motivation for physical education is observed only in very good students.</p> Jovana Njegovan, Brane Mikanovic Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 INJURY PROFILE OF THE MOUNTAIN RUNNER: GENDER COMPARISON <p>The number of events and distances in mountain races has grown exponentially. Meanwhile, the number of runners has also increased considerably. The increased participation in mountain races has resulted in an increase in runner injuries. This research is aimed at analysing and comparing (men vs. women) experience time, training time, and the injuries sustained during the practice of this sport. The sample (n=306) was made up of men (n=261) and women (n=45) who participated in the Canfranc - Canfranc Race (Spain). The instrument used is the Runner´s Profile and Propensity to Sports Injury questionnaire. There were no significant differences (p=0.01) between male and female variables: years of running experience, years of mountain running experience, training hours and time per week, and injuries in the previous three years and three months. Further research is required to analyse and compare male and female runners at different distances and mountain races.</p> Carlos Castellar-Otín, Guillermo López-García, Francisco Pradas de la Fuente, Miguel Ángel Ortega-Zayas Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100