Sexual harassment at work


  • Irena Pašić Master of Arts in Psychology Banja Luka


Mobbing as psychological harassment in the workplace is a phenomenon that always exists in work organizations,
and if you look at the past we can see that the term that has existed since the human race. The concept of sexual
harassment, is relative new one and dating from the 1970s.Sexual harassment at the workplace is inappropriate behaviour
of a sexual nature, which the person aff ected considers to be insulting and degrading.There are various ways to perform
sexual harassment in the workplace and how people recognize it. Numerous studies show that members of females were
more victim of sexual harassment against, although both men have a smaller percentage for this problem. The far-reaching
consequences of this form of harassment, and that certainly aff ects the mental and physical health. It is important
to inform people about this problem, to recognize that a person is exposed sexual harassment in the workplace, and to
organize appropriate support for the victims in the fi rst moments of suff ering.





