Criminal Offenses Against Environment Referred to in Chapter XXVI of the Fbih Criminal Code


  • Vladimir M. Simović Assistant Professor, Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Offi ce of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Faculty for Security and Protection Independent University in Banja Luka
  • Marina M. Simović Assistant professor, Faculty of Law University „Apeiron“ Banja Luka and Secretary of the Ombudsman for Children of Republic of Srpska


Today’s global problems, greenhouse eff ect or depletion of the ozone layer are not result of poverty or shortages
but rather of the recklessness and ruthlessness of the production system that is considered unsustainable. The
goal of an integral approach to the environment relates to an identifi cation and development of the ecologically suitable
management mode and ideas that follow from recognizing and adopting the dynamics of eco-system functioning and its
fl exibility and tendency toward changes. The sustainable development does not imply only cleaner environment; it also
requires more stable and healthier economy. Sustainable development requires of us to view economy for a longer period
of time without adopting short-term measures. Good management of its own water resources and drinkable water sources
are of strategic importance for Bosnia and Herzegovina as well.





