Role and Importance of Information Support Managing Enterprise


  • Nemanja Todorović Master of Economic Sciences, economic expert witness, internal auditor at the JPS “Šume Republike Srpske” a.d. Sokolac and a senior teaching assistant at the Faculty of Economics in Istocno Sarajevo – Pale, Sokolac


The paper examines the concept of information management support costs, as well as the principle decision-making based on facts, based on analysis of data and information contained in financial reports. We start with the knowledge that the facts are not known until the data and information does not systematize and explain. Analyzing relevant data leads to the facts upon which decisions are made to reduce the risk of decision making based solely on opinion (position) management.
It also points to the importance and kristup financial information, which are fundamental to making quality and cjelishodnih business and financial decisions, in terms of achieving its objectives.
Finally, the report looks at the business as the relevant information and document management company.





