Influence of Disadvantages of the Investigating Documentation on Expert Findings and Opinion


  • Tijana Ivanišević Higher Technical College of Vocational Studies Kragujevac, Kragujevac


For the analysis of traffic accidents, in order to define the omissions of participants of traffic accidents, it is necessary to conduct a detailed and comparative analysis of all the material elements of the case file, and therefore the analysis of the investigating documentation. Investigation documentation is the basis for the analysis of traffic accidents and making expert findings and opinion by an expert of traffic - technical professions. The reliability and accuracy of the analysis of traffic accidents and the expert findings and opinions is directly related to the quality of the investigating documentation. This paper presents the influence of disadvantages of the investigating documentation on expert findings and opinion, on determination of the causes and circumstances under which the accident occurred, as well as influence of disadvantages in the documentation on the defining of the omissions of participants of traffic accidents.


