The Place and Role of the Police in the Prevention of Violence Against Children as a Form Manifestations of Violence in the Family According to the Draft New Law of the Republic of Serbia




domestic violence, violence against children, police, law, prevention


Domestic violence is a specific form of manifestation criminality of violence that leaves far-reaching physical consequences and/or the mental integrity of the family members of the perpetrator of this crime, illegal, prohibited act. Harmful consequences of such behaviors (either in the form of a criminal offense or in the form of a misdemeanor) especially come to expressed if acts of violence were committed against children as members of the perpetrator’s family household. In order to suppress this form criminality of violence, in addition to repressive actions through the application of punitive measures (criminal or misdemeanor) sanctions, measures have a special role and importance prevention. It is a broad system of measures to prevent recurrence manifestations of domestic violence, among which measures of action stands out members of the police who, among the state authorities, are in large numbers cases first appear in confrontation with manifested forms of violence in the family, especially when children or minors find themselves in the role of victim or witness. Precisely about the role of the police in the implementation of preventive measures in opposing violence against children as a form of domestic violence according to Draft of the new Law of the Republic of Srpska on protection from domestic violence and violence against women.


