Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminal aspects of the crime of murder
Detecting, clarifying and proving the criminal offense of murder is a complex criminal and criminal activity of criminal subjects in terms of clarifying and resolving specific criminal matters and making the correct and lawful court decision. In this paper, the
detection of the existence of this criminal offense is incorporated, as well as the investigative and evidentiary activities that are applied in
terms of collecting the necessary evidence, taking into account the prescribed restrictive legal conditions of material and formal nature.
In accordance with the prosecutorial concept of the investigation, the burden of gathering evidence and proving is on the acting, ie the
competent prosecutor who has a managerial and supervisory role in the investigation of authorized officials. Certain specifics and peculiarities related to the complexity of timely, efficient and legal action of competent criminal proceedings in terms of detecting and proving
this crime are emphasized, although it is a crime that is mentioned in ancient legal sources. Also, the phenomenological modification of
crime in modern conditions has manifested itself in the phenomenological dimension of this crime.