
  • Uroš Pena Правни факултет Пале и Правни факултет Бања Лука



prevention, represion, crime, police


In principle, by prevention we mean intervention. To act preventively means to intervene in a certain way and with certain means. To understand the term prevention, it is important to understand the meaning of the prefix - before. In fact, we mean the type of intervention that is realized before the side effects manifest. Under crime prevention we can understand the use of all means and measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of some form of crime and its harmful consequences.

Prevention is often defined as an activity aimed at preventing the mechanisms-causes, conditions or motives that lead to the occurrence of criminal acts. Repressive activity is a consequential, subsequent activity, which is used to eliminate the consequences of a criminal offense (post delictum), or react in connection with the resulting negative behavior or phenomenon. The activity would be carried out on the detection of criminal offenses and the conduct of criminal investigations, the detection and apprehension of the perpetrators of these offenses and their extradition to the judicial authorities.

Originally, “потискивање” means "repression", and the Serbian translation is very informative. It is such a means of fighting crime, which, above all, is aimed at acting from the outside. From the name itself, it is evident that it is a means that does not act in such a way as to eliminate the cause of the phenomenon, but above all to eliminate the manifestation of the cause, ie. consequence. There are two important reasons for repressive action: one is that it did not notice the causes, conditions or causes of the criminal act in time, the other is that they are not interested in it, even if it can detect them for various reasons and motives.

Both reasons alone are enough to understand why repression preceded other means of combating this, in the history of a constant companion of social life.


