ACTA ECONOMICA <span>Acta Economica je naučni časopis Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, koji je počeo da izlazi 2002. godine, i koji dva puta godišnje objavljuje radove iz svih disciplina koje se izučavaju na redovnom i postdiplomskom studiju, te prati aktuelna dešavanja iz oblasti ekonomskih nauka.</span> Економски факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци en-US ACTA ECONOMICA 1512-858X SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THE PRISM OF TOURISM AND CONSUMERS IN THE TOURISM MARKET - CASE STUDY OF VLASINA LAKE <p>The concept of sustainable development represents an inexhaustible topic of research, which gains additional importance in the conditions of the current energy crisis. In this sense, the attention of the scientific and professional public is directed towards greater use of renewable energy sources in tourism. The aim of the work is to research the attitudes of consumers towards the use of renewable energy sources and the application of the principles of sustainable tourism on Vlasina Lake. The first part of the paper contains a review of the professional literature, while the second part of the paper presents the results of research on consumer attitudes towards the application of renewable energy sources on Vlasina Lake. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS software package. The importance of the work is reflected in the potential implications for the development of the strategy for the sustainable development of tourism in Southeast Serbia.</p> Radomir Stojković Dragana Nikolić Ristić Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 21 38 10.7251/ACE2338133S THE IMPACT OF CURRENCY DEPRECIATION ON EXPORTS: AN AUTOREGRESSIVE DISTRIBUTED LAG APPROACH FOR TURKISH LIRA <p>Turkey experienced many economic crises during the 90s and 2000s, and international trade activities changed drastically as the Turkish currency “Lira” fluctuated severely. The Turkish lira has depreciated rapidly against foreign currencies in recent years, affecting Turkey’s international trade activities. The research uses Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing to investigate the effect of the Turkish Lira depreciation on Turkish exports from 1990 to 2020. The findings suggest that the exchange rate is related to exports in both short and long run. In contrast, the inflation rate has a negative and insignificant long run influence on exports, but a negative and significant short run effect. Furthermore, imports have a negative and insignificant impact in the long run, while exports have a positive and significant effect in the short run. In the long run, the deposit interest rate is positive but insignificant at 1 percent and 5 percent significance levels. These results suggest that Turkey should produce its intermediate goods in anticipation of the high exchange rate and export highvalue- added technology-intensive products to eliminate the dependency of Turkey’s exports on imports.</p> Yılmaz Onur Ari Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 21 38 10.7251/ACE2338093O MARKETING INFLUENCE ON STUDENTS LOYALTY AND FUTURE INTENTIONS IN HIGHER EDUCATION <p>Applying the marketing concept in higher education can significantly improve the performance of these institutions. The role of marketing is particularly important in ensuring the loyalty of students and timely influence on their future intentions, especially nowadays when the decrease in the number of students is a big problem in our country, but also in neighboring countries. From the marketing aspect, this paper provides the results of research on the relationship between student loyalty and their future intentions in higher education. The research was conducted on students of two state universities in the Republic of Srpska. Research results show that there is a strong relationship between student loyalty and future intentions of students in higher education. The obtained results are significant for universities that want to keep students at the institution, but also to secure partners even after the completion of their studies.</p> Perica Macura Nedelјka Elez Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 21 38 10.7251/ACE2338057M DOES RENEWABLE ENERGY SPUR ECONOMIC GROWTH IN KENYA? AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION <p>In this paper, the dynamic impact of renewable energy consumption on economic growth in Kenya has been empirically examined during the period from 1990 to 2019, using the autoregressive distributed lag-bounds testing approach. The study was motivated by the call to increase renewable energy use in Kenya. Contrary to expectations, the results of the study show that renewable energy consumption has no significant impact on economic growth in Kenya, regardless of whether the analysis is in the long or short run. The study, thus, concludes that the development of the real sector in Kenya is not dependent on the exploration of renewable energy. This implies that Kenya can still pursue the necessary energy conservations policies without compromising its long-term growth trajectory.</p> Sheilla Nyasha Nicholas M. Odhiambo Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 21 38 10.7251/ACE2338009N FUNCTIONAL CORRELATION BETWEEN BANK ASSETS AND INSURED DEPOSITS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA – THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE DEPOSIT INSURANCE FUND <p>The projection of insured deposits level in banks is of the key importance for the financial planning of the Deposit Insurance Fund as an integral part of the deposit insurance system. On the one hand, in a situation when banks fail, Deposit Insurance Fund are used for payouts of insured deposits in those banks or for financing processes of resolution such banks, which represents a real outflow of the Fund. On the other hand, the main regular inflows into the Deposit Insurance Fund are realized from insurance premiums which, as a rule, are calculated on the basis of insured deposits in all banks. The research problem posed in this paper is how to predict changes in the level of insured deposits in banks, that is, how this level in banks changes in relation to the total assets of the banking sector. The research covered the period from 2009 to 2021. The level of insured deposits in banks was set as the dependent variable and the level of bank assets was set as the independent variable. The research was conducted on the banks operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research confirmed the significant conditionality of the growth of insured deposits with the growth of the bank assets, and also opened up some new directions for further research in terms of the influence of other elements on the financial planning of the Deposit Insurance Fund and the presence of moral hazard in the banking sector.</p> Gorana Krunić Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 21 38 10.7251/ACE2338151K THE IMPACT OF GREEN ECONOMY STANDARDS ON COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: THE STUDY OF ROMANIA <p>The study aimed to reveal the impact of green economy practices in achieving competitive advantage in companies operating in Romania, according to the size of the companies. The study used the descriptive causal approach. As for the study population, it consisted of all employees in Romanian companies in the departments of quality assurance, quality control, research and development, and production. The questionnaire was used as a main tool for collecting data and information that was analyzed with a set of statistical means, via the Internet to collect data, followed by the analysis of correlations between specific variables. By applying the Pearson chi-square test, 355 questionnaires were distributed, and only 100 were retrieved. The results of the study have showed that there is an impact of green economy practices in achieving competitive advantage, as well as an impact of total quality management practices in achieving competitive advantage in the Romanian operating companies under study. There were no statistically significant differences in the averages of the impact of green economy practices on achieving the competitive advantage. There is a relationship between the use of green economy standards and the subsequent perception of their effectiveness.</p> Hassiba Hadouga Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 21 38 10.7251/ACE2338111H REWARDING AND SUCCESS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS <p>The purpose of the research is to determine the causes of failure of information systems development projects. We came to the hypothesis that rewarding can improve the success of information systems development projects. For this reason, it is suggested that employment contracts be tied to business results. Extrinsic and intrinsic rewards are a good motivator that affects the improvement of employee performance, i.e. increases productivity, business results and job satisfaction and contributes to increasing the success of information systems development projects. Designers and managers of information systems development projects who participated in the research, gave their views on the impact of rewards on the success of the information systems development project in response to survey questions. The attitudes were evaluated on a five-point Likert scales. We obtained additional data based on conversations with managers and designers who deal with the development of information systems. Through the research design, we determined an independent variable related to the employment contract based on business results, which is the basis for the application of various forms of remuneration, and a dependent variable related to the success of the information systems development project. The main findings of the research are related to the definition of the contract between the owner on the one hand and managers and designers on the other hand, which solves the problems of opportunistic behavior of managers and designers of information systems development project. In addition, the factors of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards that are most often used to motivate managers and designers of information systems development are defined. The practical implications of the research refer to the benefits that the company owner, managers and designers of the information systems development will have. They will receive the best model of employment contract for employees working on the development of an information systems project. In addition, they will receive information about the views of designers and project managers related to reward factors that improve the success of the information systems development project. The originality of the research refers to the creation of a model that links the work contract based on business results with reward factors that help to increase the success of the information systems development project.</p> Boris Todorović Marija Todorović Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 21 38 10.7251/ACE2338075T INFLUENCE OF THE SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRANSITIONAL ECONOMY AND SOCIETY <p>In this paper, we investigated the impact of social entrepreneurship on the development of the transitional economy. The research was carried out on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&amp;H). As the most featured negative side of the transition, we see an increase of social inequality and poverty. One of the ways to solve these problems is the development of social entrepreneurship. The main goal of the research is to find a model for the development of social entrepreneurship that would contribute to the development of society and the economy of developing countries. Ninety seven subjects of social entrepreneurship, from all over B&amp;H, participated in the research. We collected data using questionnaires, and we used correlation and regression methods to analyze them. The results showed that social entrepreneurship is at a low level and that its development would contribute to the development of society and the economy. In this research, we have created a model of social entrepreneurship development and proved that social entrepreneurship could be an excellent way to solve many social and economic problems.</p> Irena Đalić Živko Erceg Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 21 38 10.7251/ACE2338025N