AGG+ Journal for Architecture, Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Related Scientific Fields <h1>AGG+ is now available on <a href=""></a></h1> en-US (AGG+ journal) (Горан Талијан) Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 CORS Networks, Aspects of Business Models in Europe and the Region <p>The paper describes the functioning of CORS permanent networks in the world. Special attention has been paid to the EPN network and the regional CORS networks in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, and Croatia. BiHPOS: SRPOS and FBiHPOS, AGROS, CROPOS, and MONTEPOS were analyzed from the aspect of mutual data exchange with the aim of achieving better location accuracy and removing deficiencies in the network geometries. Due to their individual development, as well as mutually concluded agreements on data exchange, measurements obtained using GNSS today have a wide range of applications, such as maritime communication, aviation, engineering work, earth monitoring, and many more. Also, the points of the region included in the EPN network with the aim of exchanging data at the European level are shown.</p> Dragana Skorup, Slavko Vasiljević Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 Linear Dynamic Analysis of a Spatially Curved Bernoulli-Euler Beam Subjected to a Moving Load <p>This paper considers the dynamic analysis of a spatially curved Bernoulli-Euler beam subjected to a moving load. The isogeometric approach is used for the spatial discretization of the weak form of the equation of motion. Both the reference geometry and the solution space are represented using the same NURBS basis functions that guarantee an accurate description of the beam centerline. The time integration is done by the explicit technique. The presented formulation is validated by the comparison with the existing results from the literature for the curved beam subjected to a constant load moving with a constant velocity. In addition, the influence of the moving load velocity on the dynamic response of a spatially curved beam has been investigated.</p> Miloš Jočković, Marija Nefovska-Danilović, Aleksandar Borković Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 Evaluation of the Resistance to Crack Propagation of High-Performance Concretes by the Wedge Splitting Test Method <p>This paper describes the key elements of the results of investigations on the resistance to crack propagation carried out as part of a large-scale project to develop high-performance concretes (HPCs) for the secondary lining of a low and intermediate-level waste disposal shaft. Four HPCs were investigated, in which the quantity of the binder component and the proportions of the two cements and the silica fume in it were varied. We have also added steel fibers to one HPC. The wedgesplitting test method was used to determine the resistance to crack propagation. The results obtained show that all the HPC investigated achieve good resistance to crack propagation. The addition of steel fibers further improves this resistance.</p> Jakob Šušteršič, Rok Ercegovič, David Polanec, Bojana Grujić Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 Environmental Protection - Sustainable Development - Transport: Chronology of the Approach and Political-Strategic Framework <p>Since the need for movement/transport has conditioned the development of transport networks, the management of the transport infrastructure largely depends on the guidelines or the policies for the development and management of transport. However, although there were concerns about the impact on the environment in the past five decades, it was only in the early 21<sup>st</sup> century that the effects of transport on the environment were adequately evaluated through the formulation of transport policies. It is important that a global consensus has been reached on the fact that the impacts of transport infrastructure and transport on the environment are essential. Still, it is far more important for the policies of protecting and improving the environment not to conflict with economic competitiveness so that properly formulated regulation could lead to discoveries and improvements, which would result in a win-win situation for both the public and the manufacturers and the improvement of the credibility of competent institutions and organisations in particular. Through a chronological summary of the transformation, this paper moves from the basic environmental protection toward sustainable development in global and European frameworks, and it emphasises the essential aspects that must be addressed in defining a political and strategic framework for the management of transport infrastructure and transport in underdeveloped and developing countries to meet the requirements for sustainable development.</p> Igor Jokanović, Milica Pavić Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 Perception of Heritage Values: Experiential Qualitative Model for Assessing the Urban Potential <p>Modern-day is defined as a period of globalization, a complex construct that can pose a threat to maintaining the uniqueness of a place and creating a distinctive city identity. The hypothesis of this paper is that, while the phenomenon of globalization is researched within different disciplines, a common interdisciplinary theme stands out - the experience and perception of urban space that further builds a unique impression of the observed scene. The assumption will be investigated through the formation of a qualitative model for examining the urban potential with the aim of affirming the visual quality of the place as an important factor in the construction of local identity. The established model is examined through case studies of the 20th-century heritage. This period was chosen because it represents the subject of a contemporary global discussion about the conservation, activation and use of heritage in urban structures. The premise is that the qualitative model can be adequately applied to architecture from this period and contribute to its visibility and understanding, as well as to the examination of its role in the creation of contemporary local identity. The research is significant because it enables an interdisciplinary consideration of heritage as a key factor in building the modern city identity based on its visual impression.</p> Vanja Spasenović Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 Thermal Landscapes: Rahm's Meteorological Architecture <p class="Abstract"><span class="Subtitle1">In this paper, we will consider the issue of climate discourse, which is consistently connected with the emergence of the meteorological approach in the theory and practice of contemporary architecture and urban design. Thermal modernity appears as a contemporary space of critical debate that expands the possibilities of architectural thinking, positioning it in a transdisciplinary knowledge framework. The concept of meteorology is the result of research on biological and ecological causes and processes, thermal factors, actions, and interactions to establish a sensory connection of users with space. Therefore, invisible spatial qualities, atmospheres, are recognised as ontologically important elements of spatial experience. The new paradigm opposes visual dominance, formalism, and semiological interpretations, establishing a new way of social and environmental responsibility. </span></p> Ana Kisjan, Dubravko Aleksić Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 Responsible Education of Architects – Experience From International Research Projects at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture <p>EAAE Charter on Architectural Research states that architecture is facing challenges of globalization, rapid urbanization, ecological disturbance and social transformation that necessitate permanent development in the field of education [1]. Educators, in particular, faculties and universities, need to understand and explain those changes and find a way to broaden the competencies of future generations to accept and deepen a responsible attitude towards the environment. Apart from permanent curricula improvements and innovative ways of intertwining research and teaching into a unique educational agenda, one of the essential components is also internationalization, both on the level of the study program and the level of student and staff mobility. The University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture is determined to strategically enhance the educational process through internationalization under the umbrella of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Green Deal and New European Bauhaus. In that way, research and education expand horizons mutually, with international experience and expertise widening our knowledge and learning to accept differences and responsibilities as educators and architects.</p> Ana Nikezić Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100