БИОМЕДИЦИНСКА ИСТРАЖИВАЊА2021-12-14T14:36:40+01:00Ана Симовићbiomedicinskaistrazivanja@yahoo.comOpen Journal Systems<span>"Биомедицинска истраживања" (BII)</span>, часопис Медицинског факултета Фоча Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву објављује оригиналне научне радове, претходна или кратка саопштења, прегледе литературе, приказе случајева, радове из историје медицине, приказе књига, извјештаје са научних и стручних скупова, дописе за рубрику Ин мемориам, новости и писма Уредништву из свих области медицине, стоматологије, дефектологије и здравствене његе. from classic to modern approach2021-12-14T14:30:18+01:00Bojana Vukovićbvukovic75@yahoo.comSladjana Ć<p>Voice is a significant component of communication that allows us to<br>express information and emotions, so it is the foundation of verbal<br>communication. Maturation of the body involves dilation of the larynx<br>and lower positioning of the larynx in the neck, resulting multiple<br>changes in voice quality. The rapid changes in the human larynx<br>during puberty are more evident in males. Such changes can result<br>in voice mutation – puberphonia. Puberphonia, also called mutational<br>dysphonia or mutational falsetto, is the failure of a natural decrease in<br>fundamental frequency or pitch. We can also defined puberphonia as<br>persistent adolescent voice even after puberty in the absence of organic<br>cause. This functional voice disorder can have multiple consequences<br>on the personality and quality of life of an individual that often<br>encounters problems that include psychological, emotional, social,<br>and professional difficulties. This article aims to review the relevant<br>and accessible literature on puberphonia in a comprehensive concise<br>manner, highlighting the etiology, prevalence, clinical manifestation,<br>consequences on quality of life, as well as evolution of the approach<br>and attitude to its treatment.</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Bojana Vuković, Sladjana Ćalasan postoperative complications of arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis2021-12-14T12:47:28+01:00Zlatko Maksimovićzlatko.maksimovic@gmail.comNenad Lalovićww@email.comSiniša Maksimović<p>The vascular approach is a prerequisite for performing hemodialysis,<br>but their “weak points” are different and frequent complications. Modern<br>guidlines recommend native arteriovenous fistula (AVF) as the first<br>choice of vascular approach, because it is characterized by the longest<br>survival and the least complications compared to other vascular approaches.<br>All complications of AVF can be divided into intraoperative,<br>early, and late postoperative. This paper presents the late postoperative<br>complications of AVF, their frequency, causes, diagnosis and treatment.<br>The most important late postoperative complications are: stenosis,<br>thrombosis, aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm formation, infection, hand<br>edema, hematoma, ischemic steal syndrome, ischemic neuropathy,<br>congestive heart failure. Large differences in the frequency of each<br>complication in earlier studies can be explained by differences in surgical<br>technique, localization of AVF, diagnostic methods, but, above all,<br>differences between the presented groups of patients. It is described<br>that the age of patients, sex, underlying disease, the presence of comorbid<br>conditions and various metabolic and immune disorders characteristic<br>of chronic renal failure, as well as the way of using and caring<br>for AVF significantly affect the occurrence of AVF complications. One<br>of the main predictors of AVF success and survival is the quality of the<br>patients’ blood vessels, and therefore careful examination of blood<br>vessels before approaching AVF creation is of particular importance.<br>The creation, use and care of AVF is the task of the team of health professionals<br>who take part in the treatment of these patients, and successful<br>treatment requires their good cooperation, as well as cooperation<br>with patients.</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Zlatko Maksimović, Nenad Lalović, Siniša Maksimović and frequency of contacts as factors in forming primary school children attitudes towards peers with developmental disabilities2021-12-14T12:43:05+01:00Sladjana Djoremdjorem7@gmail.comGordana Odovićww@email.comAna Lukićww@email.comJelena Milićww@email.comBojan Joksimovićww@email.comMilena Božinović<p>Introduction. Higher level of knowledge and frequent contacts with<br>peers with disabilities can influence the emergence of more positive<br>attitudes of students towards peers with disabilities. In regard to that,<br>our aim was to test the importance of knowledge, contact frequency<br>and other possible factors influencing attitudes of students toward<br>disabled peers.<br>Methods. The study included 140 students of 4th and 5th grade of<br>primary schools. The research was conducted in the period from December<br>2020 to March 2021 in two primary schools. The Chedoke<br>McMaster scale was used to examine students’ attitudes toward peers<br>with disabilities, while Contact with Disabled Persons Scale and the<br>Children’s Knowledge about Handicapped Persons Scale were used<br>to assess frequency of contact and knowledge about disabilities.<br>Results. Girls showed a significantly higher level (25.21±6.21) of frequency<br>of contacts with students with disabilities compared to boys<br>(19.66±7.30) (p=0.043) and higher level of knowledge (27.88±5.88)<br>about disabilities compared to boys (25.50±4.69) (p=0.009). Respondents<br>who attended school together with children with disabilities<br>(31.07 ± 8.41) showed a significantly higher level of frequency of<br>contacts with students with disabilities compared to respondents<br>who did not attend school with peers with disabilities (13.72±6.32)<br>(p=0.001).<br>Conclusion. Higher level of knowledge and frequent contacts with<br>peers with disabilities does not have influence on the emergence of<br>more positive attitudes of students towards peers with disabilities.</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Sladjana Djorem, Gordana Odović, Ana Lukić, Jelena Milić, Bojan Joksimović, Milena Božinović of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 and pathomorphological changes in acquired middle ear cholesteatoma2021-12-14T11:20:15+01:00Dalibor Vranješdalibor.vranjes@yahoo.comPredrag Špirićww@email.comMirjana Gnjatić<p>Introduction. The inflammatory mediators play a central role in the<br>pathogenesis of the inflammatory process of the middle ear and cholesteatoma<br>from the aspect of initiating and maintaining the inflammatory<br>response to infection and lesion. The aim of the study was to<br>examine if the presence of acquired cholesteatoma could predict pathomorphological<br>changes of the tympanic cavity mucosa in relation to<br>the control tissue of the inflamed middle ear mucosa and to examine<br>and compare the expression levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha<br>(TNF-α), interleukin-1 (IL-1) and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9)<br>with pathomorphological changes in the middle ear mucosa in chronic<br>otitis media (COM), with and without acquired cholesteatoma (AC).<br>Methods. The immunohistochemical study included 178 patients of<br>both sexes, aged 5 to 75, who underwent microsurgical treatment<br>of COM from 2015 to 2018. Patients were divided into two groups<br>based on the presence or absence of AC of the middle ear: 97 with<br>cholesteatoma (CCOM) and 81 without cholesteatoma (COM). Samples<br>of the perimatrix of AC and inflamed middle ear mucosa were<br>taken intraoperatively. The condition of the tympanic cavity mucosa<br>was examined by otomicroscopy exploration intraoperatively. The<br>expression levels of TNF-α, IL-1 and MMP-9 were determined by immunohistochemical<br>analysis.<br>Results. The difference in the percentage distribution of patients according<br>to the condition of the tympanic cavity mucosa between both<br>groups was statistically significant (p <0.01) where in the COM group<br>the highest frequency was 43.2% of patients with mucosal hypertrophy,<br>and in the CCOM 56.7% with granulations. With highly positive<br>expression of TNF-R2 and IL-1, a higher probability of the presence<br>of mucosal hypertrophy and granulations can be expected, and with<br>highly positive expression of MMP-9 the presence of granulations.<br>Conclusion. Acquired middle ear cholesteatoma is a statistically<br>significant predictor of the occurence of mucosal hypertrophy and<br>granulations in the tympanic cavity in relation to the control tissue of<br>the inflamed middle ear mucosa. The high expression of TNF-R2, IL-1<br>and MMP-9 shows a statistically significant association with the presence<br>of granulations and mucosal hypertrophy in acquired middle<br>ear cholesteatoma which may have clinical significance in the evaluation<br>and prognosis of the disease.</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Dalibor Vranješ, Predrag Špirić, Mirjana Gnjatić of anatomy and configuration of the canal system of the maxillary second premolar in the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina2021-12-14T11:14:32+01:00Brankica Davidovićdavidovicbrankica@yahoo.comLjiljana Bjelovićww@email.comIgor Radovićww@email.comBojana Davidovićww@email.comSvjetlana Jankovićww@email.comSmiljka<p>Introduction. Successful endodontic treatment depends upon the<br>clinician’s knowledge and ability to recognize and diagnose the presence<br>of anatomical and morphological variations of the root and<br>canal system. The aim of this study was to establish the number of<br>roots and root canal configurations of the maxillary second premolar<br>in the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina.<br>Methods. The study sample was comprised of 150 maxillary second<br>premolar teeth extracted for orthodontic or prosthetic reasons. Endodontic<br>drills were used for trepanation of cavum dentis, and the<br>number and patency of each root canal were determined by K- expander<br># 15. Then, the samples were decalcified, made transparent<br>and colored, to enable 3D viewing of the canal system. Decalcified<br>teeth were observed from two projections (clinical and approximal)<br>and analyzed in detail with a magnifying glass under 3 × and 5 ×<br>magnification in order to determine the number of roots, number<br>of canals, root canal configuration using Vertucci’s classification and<br>number of anastomoses between canals. Statistical significance was<br>obtained using Chi-square test.<br>Results. The results obtained by decalcification of the teeth showed<br>that, by radiographic analysis from the clinical projection, all the<br>teeth had a single root. While, by the analysis from the approximal<br>projection, 94.0% had one, 6.0% two roots. From the approximal<br>projection, 70.7% with a single root canal and 29.3% with two root<br>canals are visualized. The most common type of root canal configuration<br>in the maxillary second premolars was Type I in both clinical<br>(87.9%) and approximal projection (40.7%).<br>Conclusion. These results emphasize the importance of knowing the<br>variations in root canal morphology, because excluding the possibility<br>of morphological variations can lead to failure of endodontic therapy.</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Brankica Davidović, Ljiljana Bjelović, Igor Radović, Bojana Davidović, Svjetlana Janković, Smiljka Cicmil D and atherosclerosis2021-12-14T14:34:09+01:00Vesna Lazićlazicdrvesna@hotmail.comBiljana Mijovićww@email.comMiloš Maksimovićww@email.comOlivera Raševićww@email.comMaida Mulićww@email.comMaja Vuković<p>Cardiovascular diseases rank first on the mortality list globally<br>or 31%. The basic measure of prevention in accordance with<br>the recommendations of the World Health Organization is a<br>change in risk lifestyle in terms of diet, physical activity, tobacco<br>and alcohol consumption. Vitamin D was previously recognized<br>as a regulator of calcium and phosphorus ratio, bone<br>remodeling or the main controller of skeletal pathophysiology.<br>However, vitamin D enjoys great interest in clinical and<br>epidemiological research in terms of its possible impact on<br>reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Among other<br>things, vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased<br>risk of endothelial dysfunction. Although the deficiency has<br>been identified as a risk marker for cardiovascular diseases,<br>the mechanism of action of vitamin D on the path from endothelial<br>dysfunction to cardiovascular diseases has not been<br>fully revealed. The findings in this segment of activity of vitamin<br>D would be significant in terms of reducing morbidity<br>and mortality from cardiovascular diseases.</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Vesna Lazić, Biljana Mijović, Miloš Maksimović, Olivera Rašević, Maida Mulić, Maja Vuković function of autophagy as a fundamental process of preserving cell homeostasis2021-12-14T12:56:23+01:00Nikolina Elez-Burnjakovićnikolinaa85@hotmail.comLejla Pojskićww@email.comSanin Haverićww@email.comAjla Smajlović<p>Autophagy is a dynamic process, conserved in all eukaryotes.<br>It is responsible for the degradation of cytoplasmic content.<br>Autophagy is crucial in cell survival and cell death. It plays a<br>significant role in the cell response to stress, nutrient deficiencies,<br>embryonic development, tumor suppression, response to<br>pathogens and aging. The process of autophagy is also involved<br>in the pathology of human diseases, such as cancer, diabetes,<br>cardiomyopathy, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s<br>and Parkinson’s disease. Autophagy is a mechanism<br>that involves degradation of cells, proteins, damaged organelles<br>and pathogens through the lysosomal mechanisms, thus autophagy<br>supports cell survival during starvation, hypoxia and metabolic<br>stress. However, if extensive and/or excessive, autophagy<br>can promote apoptosis (type I) or function as an alternative celldeath<br>pathway, called autophagic cell death (type II). Autophagy<br>can either promote cancer cell death, or serve as a survival<br>mechanism against apoptosis or necrosis induced by various anticancer<br>treatments. Given the contradictory role of autophagy<br>during tumor initiation and progression, the use of autophagy<br>in therapy depends on the context and must be approached individually.</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Nikolina Elez-Burnjaković, Lejla Pojskić, Sanin Haverić, Ajla Smajlović knowledge of nurses about prevention of infections caused by the bacteria Clostridium difficile2021-12-14T12:45:10+01:00Ivana Miljkovićivanamiljkovic0109@gmail.comAmajla<p>Introduction. Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of nosocomial<br>diarrhea, associated with the use of antibiotics. The most common<br>ways of transmitting the infection in hospitals are contaminated surfaces<br>of the premises and the hands of medical staff.<br>Methods. The study involved 68 nurses/technicians employed at<br>the University Hospital Foca in the departments of surgery and internal<br>medicine. As a research instrument, we used a specially designed<br>questionnaire, created by the authors for the purpose of this<br>research.<br>Results. The research showed that 61.8% of respondents knew that<br>hand washing with warm water and soap was considered the most effective<br>prevention of the spread of infections, and 55.88% meant that<br>they used chlorine-based preparations and hydrogen peroxide as the<br>only effective disinfectant. Nurses with a work experience of less than<br>5 years showed better knowledge than other groups.<br>Conclusion. The knowledge of nurses about the prevention of C. difficile<br>infection is not at a satisfactory level, which indicates the growing<br>need for education of nurses.</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Ivana Miljković, Amajla Topuz between auditory discrimination of Serbian language phonemes and dysgraphia in different forms of written expression2021-12-14T11:22:59+01:00Vesela Andjićww@email.comJelena Vrućinićww@email.comLjiljana Simićww@email.comMilica Stelkić<p>Introduction. Writing is the most complex human ability and the<br>most direct form of communication. Auditory discrimination is the<br>ability to distinguish different sounds of language. After the age of<br>seven, difficulties in auditory discrimination, even of similar sounds,<br>are considered a pathological phenomenon. The aim of the research<br>was to determine whether difficulties in auditory discrimination of<br>phonemes are related to the manifestation of dysgraphia in children<br>of younger school age.<br>Methods. The research was conducted at the Elementary School<br>“Vuk Karadzić” in Priboj, during 2020, with the previous consent of the<br>school principal, as well as the students’ parents. The research sample<br>included fifty children of the third and fourth grade, aged 9 and 10.<br>For the purpose of this research, two tests were used: the Phonemic<br>Discrimination Test (Kostić, Vladisavljević, Popović, 1983) and the Dysgraphic<br>Handwriting Assessment Test (Ajuriaguerra, Auzias. 1971).<br>Results. There was no significant difference in achievement in the<br>Phonemic Discrimination Test between boys and girls. Half of the tested<br>students achieved the maximum score in the Phonemic Discrimination<br>Test and they were fairly equal in their achievement in the Phonemic<br>Discrimination Test. Girls generally had harmoniously developed<br>handwriting, while more than half of the boys in the categories had<br>inconsistent handwriting or dysgraphic handwriting when it came to<br>the forms of dictation, free topic and transcription. No statistically significant<br>correlations were found between the results in the Phonemic<br>Discrimination Test and the Dysgraphic Handwriting Assessment Test,<br>p > 0.05.<br>Conclusion. Based on the assessment of writing ability and auditory<br>discrimination in young school children, no statistically significant association<br>was found between auditory discrimination of sounds and<br>manifestations of dysgraphic handwriting in all three forms of written<br>expression (dictation, free topic, transcription).</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Vesela Milankov, Ivana Andjić, Jelena Vrućinić, Ljiljana Simić, Milica Stelkić incidence of anxiety in patients with chronic subjective tinnitus2021-12-14T11:18:01+01:00Ljiljana Krsmanovićljiljanakrsmanovic85@gmail.comSiniša Šolajaww@email.comNenad Arsovićww@email.comBojan Joksimovićww@email.comZoran Dudvarskiww@email.comGabrijela Š<p>Introduction. Tinnitus is a perception of a sound in the ears<br>in the absence of acoustic stimulation whose pathophysiological<br>mechanisms have not been evaluated yet. Approximately,<br>1–2% of people report distress which can negatively affect<br>their daily performance. Our study aimed to assess the incidence<br>of anxiety in patients with tinnitus.<br>Methods. The study was designed as a cross-sectional study.<br>The participants were divided into two groups: a group of 73<br>patients with tinnitus (with two subgroups in relation to the<br>duration of tinnitus - less than one year and more than one<br>year) and a control group of 43 patients without tinnitus. We<br>examined the presence of anxiety in all patients using the<br>Burns Anxiety Inventory (BAI). The quality of life of all patients<br>was estimated by Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI).<br>Results. In the group of patients with tinnitus, 56.2% of them<br>had mild and 24.7% moderate hearing loss, while 27.7% of respondents<br>from control group had mild and 8.5% moderate<br>levels of hearing impairment. THI results showed that patients<br>with tinnitus less than 1 year had a significantly (p= 0.002)<br>higher level of disorders in daily life, compared with the group<br>who had tinnitus for more than 1 year. The 30.8% of respondents<br>had minimal anxiety, 26.7% borderline anxiety, 17.5%<br>mild anxiety, the same percentage of respondents moderate,<br>5% severe, while 2.5% had extreme anxiety based on BAI.<br>Conclusion. Anxiety can be considered as potentially significant<br>modulators of changes in brain structures observed in<br>people with tinnitus.</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Ljiljana Krsmanović, Siniša Šolaja, Nenad Arsović, Bojan Joksimović, Zoran Dudvarski, Gabrijela Šolaja of using HEART score in patients with chest pain at the emergency department of University Clinical Centre of the Republic of Srpska2021-12-13T10:26:02+01:00Bojan M. Stanetićbojan.stanetic@gmail.comNenad Jaćimovićww@email.comŠemsudin Porčić<p>Introduction. Recent data show that 1/5 of patients with chest<br>pain in emergency room (ER) have an acute coronary syndrome<br>that requires admission and treatment. Current guidelines have<br>endorsed the HEART score for admission, observation or discharge<br>in individual patients. We aimed to assess performance of<br>the HEART score at the University Clinical Centre of the Republic<br>of Srpska.<br>Methods. Between March 1 and March 31, 2019, all patients with<br>chest pain who presented at ER were evaluated. The HEART score<br>for each patient was calculated, and patients were stratified based<br>on the HEART score recommendation, i.e. low-, intermediate- and<br>high-risk. Patients were followed 6 weeks for major adverse cardiac<br>events (MACE).<br>Results. Out of a total of 144 included patients, 23 had low-risk<br>(0−3) HEART scores, while 73 and 48 patients had intermediate-risk<br>(4−6) and high-risk (7−10) HEART scores, respectively. The discordance<br>among intuitive judgments by clinicians and the HEART<br>score advice became typically obtrusive in patients with excessive<br>(7−10) HEART score rankings: 25 out of 48 (52.1%) patients<br>had been discharged, while the remaining 22 patients had been<br>admitted and 1 person was observed. In population with HEART<br>score rankings 4–6, MACE became recognized in 1/73 (1.4%) while<br>in patients with excessive HEART score rankings (values 7–10),<br>MACE befell in 5/48 (10.4%). Only one patient who was discharged<br>experienced MACE. The ROC analysis of the HEART score revealed<br>a value of 0.78, suggesting a good performance in discriminating<br>between low- and high-risk patients.<br>Conclusion. Discordance between clinical decision and HEART<br>score recommendation was not associated with severe clinical<br>consequences.</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Bojan M. Stanetić, Nenad Jaćimović, Šemsudin Porčić rare thyroid disorder mimicking mitochondrial disease2021-12-14T14:36:40+01:00Adrijan Sarajlijaadrijans2004@yahoo.comSladjana Todorovićww@email.comBiljana Alimpićww@email.comMaja Čehić<p>Introduction. Patients affected with Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome<br>(AHDS) have a deficiency of monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8), a<br>protein primarily responsible for the transport of triiodothyronine (T3)<br>into the brain. This X-linked disorder affects almost exclusively males with<br>clinical presentation encompassing developmental delay, axial hypotonia,<br>dystonia, poor head control, quadriplegia and absence of speech.<br>Case reports. Patient 1 is a male child referred to a hospital investigation<br>at 11 months due to severe developmental delay and elevated<br>blood ammonia level (163 mcmol/L). Hypotonia and dystonic movements<br>were noted at admission, with facial dysmorphic features. Laboratory<br>findings revealed increased blood lactate (17.2 mmol/L), alanine<br>(533 mcmol/L) and ammonia (391 mcmol/L) concentrations. Serum<br>creatine-kinase levels showed substantial increase over the course of<br>hospitalization up to 6,855 IU/L. Clinical exome sequencing detected<br>a novel hemizygous frameshift insertion c.1456insC in gene SLC16A2,<br>predicted to cause loss of normal protein function either through protein<br>truncation or nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Segregation genetic<br>testing of the family members revealed that mother, maternal<br>uncle and maternal grandmother carry the same mutation in SLC16A2.<br>The boy`s mother experienced learning difficulties through childhood<br>while maternal uncle is severely affected by AHDS. Patient 2 is a boy<br>referred to clinical geneticist due to severe psychomotor delay of unknown<br>etiology. Moderate serum lactate elevation was the only laboratory<br>abnormality during initial investigations. Diagnosis of AHDS was<br>established by clinical exome sequencing, and subsequent hormonal<br>evaluation revealed increased triiodothyronine (T3) level which corresponds<br>well to genetic diagnosis.<br>Conclusion. Presence of lactic acidosis and/or hyperammonemia in<br>children with severe developmental delay is not specific for inborn disorders<br>of energy production, such as mitochondrial disease. Clinicians<br>should consider thyroid hormones profiling in cases of unexplained<br>severe developmental delay in male children, especially if associated<br>with axial hypotonia and dystonic movements.</p>2021-12-14T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2021 Adrijan Sarajlija, Sladjana Todorović, Biljana Alimpić, Maja Čehić