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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Пријављени чланак није претходно објављиван нити се налази у поступку рецензије код неког другог часописа. У супротном, молимо да то образложите под "коментари уреднику".
  • Датотека која садржи рад је у Мајкрософти Ворд или РТФ формату.
  • URL адресе за мрежно доступне библиографске честице су приложене.
  • Текст садржи једноструки размак; користи се фонт 12; преферира се курзив(italic), редије него подцртавање (прихвата се за URL адресе); и све илустрације, слике и табеле су смјештене на прикладним мјестима у тексту, радије него на његовом крају.
  • Текст испуњава стилске и библиографске захтјеве наведене у Смјернице за ауторе, које се налазе у рубрици "о часопису".
  • Ако предајете за стручно рецензирану рубрику часописа, упутства у Како осигурати анонимност рецензије се морају слиједити.

Author Guidelines


EMC Review, Journal of Economics and Market Communication publishes original scientific papers, descriptive and professional papers, scientific discussions, critics and reviews. With its thematic scope of scientific discoveries with applications in business and economy, the journal reflects the multidisciplinary of studies at the Apeiron University. The goal of the journal is to publish papers in the field of global economy, regional economy, economic politics, market and competition, consumers, media and business communication, new technologies, management, marketing.
The journal is published twice a year, in June and December. Papers should be submitted in the languages of B&H, Latin or English, exclusively electronically, to the redaction mail address: by the end of April for June, and the end of September for December issue. The address for sending the author copy of the journal after it is published should be sent together with the paper.
Author, if necessary, may require issuance of a certificate as a proof that the paper will be published after it has been reviewed.
Editorial board will submit manuscript to editors competent for a respective area. Author’s identity will not be revealed to the editors, and vice versa. Throughout the whole year, the journal is open for communication with all interested inland and foreign authors.
Based on the reviews, editorial board decides on paper publishing and informs the author within 3 months from paper receipt. Papers should be prepared in accordance with the Instructions for Authors for EMC review.
Papers should be submitted electronically, attached as an open document (Word and PDF format), to redaction mail address: Submissions that do not meet the recommendations in the Instructions will not be submitted for review and will not be published. A paper must be written in text processor Microsoft Word, using font Times New Roman (size 12), in Latin alphabet, spacing (1). Page setup: A4, Margins: top 2,5 cm; bottom 2,5 cm; left 2,5 cm; right 2,5 cm. Paper needs to have the length of up to 30,000 characters (16 pages). The exception from this are reviews which may be up to 50,000 characters long. A paper needs to be proof read.
Paper title. CAPITAL LETTERS, centered, (Times New Roman, 16, bold). Author’s
last name, title and first name should be written below the title (Times 172 New Roman, 14). Example: Last name Dr., (Mr.) name or last name. In the footnote on the first page, author’s scientific occupation, name, author’s address, author’s e-mail address, and the name of the institution at which the author works is given, (Times New Roman, 11).
Summary. Summary, with the length of 50-150 words, should be at the beginning of the paper, under the title, two spaces below (TNR, 11, italic).
Key words (up to five) (TNR, 11, italic). At least one classification code of the Classification System for the Journal Articles, as used by the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL:, should be included, also single space below.
Papers should be written concisely, with an understandable style and logical order, which as a rule includes: introduction, the goal and methods of research, theme development and conclusion.
Headings and subheadings.
a) Introduction (TNR, 12, bold), text TNR 12, two spaces after keywords, without numbering.
b) Paper headings should be TNR 12, capital letters, bold, aligned to the left margin, among the titles in the paper, single space.
c) Subtitles, second level, TNR 12, bold, left margin alignment.
d) Subtitles, third level, TNR 12, left margin alignment.
e) Conclusion (TNR, 12, bold), text TNR 12, without numbering.
Summary is given in an expanded form, which length can be up to one tenth of the paper length. It should be written at the end of the paper, after bibliography. In the top left corner the name and surname of the author should be written (TNR, 12). Three spaces below Title in English - if the paper is written in Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian or in one of these languages if the paper is written in English (TNR, 14, bold). Then, two spaces below Summary follows (TNR 12, bold), followed by the text (TNR 11, italic). After the text, single space below Key words (TNR 12, bold): Key word 1, key word 2,… key word 5 (TNR 11, italic). And space below JEL classification (TNR 12, bold): E04, B12 (TNR 11, italic).
Reference to individuals in the text should include the first name, middle initial and last name on the first reference. Subsequent references should include last name only. Do NOT use titles such as Mister, Doctor, Professor, etc. For example: Alan S. Blinder (2006) [first reference], Blinder (2006) [subsequently].
Organizations or governmental agencies in the text. On the first references use the full name followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Subsequent references should use abbreviation only. For example: Social Science Research Council (SSRC) [first reference], SSRC [subsequently].
Reference to articles and books in the text. Give full name (first name, middle initial and last name) of author(s) and year of publication in the first citation, with page numbers where appropriate. For example: Glenn Firebaugh (1999) [first reference]; Firebaugh (1999) [subsequently]; Andrea Boltho and Gianni Toniolo (1999) [first reference], Boltho and Toniolo (1999) [subsequently]; Albert Berry, Francois Bourguignon, and Chris titan Morrison (1983) [first reference], Berry, Bourguignon, and Morrison (1983) [subset quaintly]. When citing more than one work by the same author, give the last name of author and year of publication in parentheses for each subsequent citation. When listing a list of references within the text, arrange them first in chronological order, then alphabetically according to years. If there are four or more authors, refer to the first author, followed by et al. and the year; for example: Stefan Folster et al. (1998). If there is more than one publication referred to in the same year by the author(s), use the year and letters a, b, etc. (example: 1997a, b). References to authors in the text must match exactly those in the Reference section.
Proposal for references to the authors in the text: [Lukas, 2005:4]
Quotations. Any quotation, regardless of its length, needs to include reference and page number. For any quotation longer than 350 characters, the author must have written approval by copy rights owner that needs to be enclosed.
Tables, charts, and pictures. Tables and graphs need to be made in Word or some oth er Word compatible format. Tables and graphs from statistical programs should be trans ferred into Word format. Same data must not be presented both in tables and charts. Every table, chart, or picture should be marked with a number and adequate name, e.g.: Table 2: Variables Reliability. Name of tables, graphics or picture is placed above, TNR 11, normal, two spaces between table and text. If illustration from printing source is used, written authorization by copy rights owner is necessary. Source should be placed below tables, charts, and pic tures. Source font: TNR 11, italic. References in the Source are used in the same way as in the text. If the tables, charts, and figures are author’(s’) calculations, reviews or estimations, that should also be emphasized.
Statistics. The results of statistical tests need to be provided in the following form: F (1.9) =25.35; p<001 or similar. Lower number of conventional P levels should be stated (e.g.: .05, .01, .001).
References. Use AEA rules for references, which are mentioned within the text. Reference section must be single-spaced, beginning on a new page following the text, giving full information. Use full names of authors or editors using initials only if that is the usage of the particular au thorn/editor. List all author/editors up to/ including 10 names. Authors of articles and books and material without specific authors or editors, such as government documents, bulletins, or newspapers, are to be listed alphabetically. Most references in the Reference section should be referenced (included) in the text.
Appendix. In the appendix, only those descriptions of material that would be useful for readers to understand, evaluate, or revise research should be provided.
Footnotes and abbreviations. If necessary, references in the footnotes should be used in the same way as in the text. Abbreviations should be avoided, except from exceptionally usual ones. The abbreviations stated in tables and pictures should be explained.
Reviews and publishing. All papers are anonymously reviewed by two anonymous re viewers. On the basis of reviews, editorial staff makes decision on paper publishing and informs the author about it within three months from paper receipt.
Chaston, I. and Mangles, T. (2002), Small business marketing management, Creative Print & Desing (N Jales), London, str. 148.
Hills, G. (1995), “Forenjord,” Marketing and Entrepreneurship in SME, No. 2/95, str. 25.
EUROSTAT Database (; pristup bazi: IV 2011.
A) Published Articles
Author Last name, First name. Year. “Article Title.” Journal Title, Volume (Issue number if applicable): Page numbers.
Example: Acemoglu, Daron. 2002. “Technical Change, Inequality, and the Labour Market.” Journal of Economic Literature, 40(1): 7-72.
In the case of two authors, only the first author’s name is inverted and a comma must be placed before and after the first author’s first name or initials. Use “and” between the two author’(s’) names.
Example: Baker, George, Robert Gibbons, and Kevin J. Murphy. 2002. “Relational Contracts and the Theory of the Firm.” Quarterly Journal of Economics,117(1): 39-84.
B) Forthcoming Articles
Example: Bikhchandani, Sushil, and Joseph M. Ostroy. Forthcoming. “Ascending Price Vickery Auctions.” Games and Economic Behavior.
A) One Author
Author Last name, First name. Year. Book Title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Example: Friedman, Thomas L. 2005. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
B) Two Authors
Example: Helpman, Elhanan, and Paul Krugman. 1985. Market Structure and Foreign Trade: Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition, and International Economy. Cam bridge, MA: MIT Press.
C) Chapter in a Book
Author Last name, First name. Year. “Chapter or Article Title.” In Book Title, followed by ed. and editor’(s’) names if appropriate, and page number(s). Place of publication: Publisher.
Example: Freeman, Richard B. 1993. “How Much Has De Unionization Contributed to the Rise in Male Earnings Equality?” In Uneven Tide: Rising Income Inequality in America, ed. Sheldon Dan zinger and Peter Gottschalk, 133-63. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
D) Reprint or Modern Edition
When emphasizing earlier date: Author Last name, First name. Earlier printing date. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, Later date.
Example 1: Rawls, John. 1971. A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999. When emphasizing later date: Author Last name, First name. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, (Orig. pub. date).
Example 2: Rawls, John. 1999. A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, (Orig. pub. 1971).
E) Editions Other Than the First
When an edition other than the first is used or cited, the number or description of the edition follows the title in the listing.
Example: Strunk, Willliam, Jr., and E. B. White. 2000. The Elements of Style. 4th ed. New York: Ally and Bacon.
Multivolume Works
Multivolume works include works such as encyclopedias, multivolume works published over several years, and multivolume works published in a single year.Below are several examples.
Example 1: Kohama, Hirohisa, ed. 2003. Asian Development Experience. Vol. 1, Extern nil Factors in Asian Development. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Example 2: Kusuoka, Shigeo, and Akira Yamazaki, ed. 2006. Advances in Mathemati cal Economics. Vol. 8. New York: Springer.
Example 3: Mokyr, Joel, ed. 2003. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History. 5 Vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Unpublished Papers
A) Working Papers
Only papers appearing as part of an institutions’ working papers series should be classified as working papers. These should always include a specific working paper number as assigned by the institution. Author Last name, First name. Year. “Title.” Type of Working Paper (such as institution, working series title) and number.
Example 1: Ausubel, Lawrence M. 1997. “An Effi cient Ascending-Bid Auction for Multiple Objects.” University of Maryland Faculty Working Paper 97-06.
Example 2: Heidhues, Paul, and Botond Koszegi. 2005. “The Impact of Consumer Loss Aversion on Pricing.” Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper 4849.
B) Lectures and Papers Presented at Meetings
Author Last name, First name. Year. “Title.” Paper presented at followed by meeting name, place, and city where lecture/meeting took place.
Example 1: Romer, Christina D., and David H. Romer. 2006.”The Evolution of Economic Understanding and Postwar Stabilization Policy.” Paper presented at the Rethinking Stabilization Policy Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas Symposium, Jackson Hole, WY.
Example 2: Goldin, Claudia. 2006. “The Quiet Revolution That Transformed Women’s Employment, Education, and Family.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations, Boston.
C) Unpublished Papers
When a paper has not been published but can be found on the Web (such as the author’s Web site or the university Web site), use the following format: Author Last name, First name. Year. “Title.” Web address. Please provide a URL that links to the full text of the article.
Example 1: Zeitzewitz, Eric. 2006. “How Widespread Was Late Trading in Mutual Funds.”
Example 2: Factiva. 2006. “Blogging and your Corporate Reputation: Part One -Listen to the Conversation.” http://www. factiva. co m/collateral/download_brchr.asp?node=menuElem1506#white.
When a paper has not been published and does not appear on a Web site (such as the author’s Web site or university Web site), use the following format: Author Last name, First name. Year. “Title.” Unpublished.
Example 3: Acemoglu, Daron, Pol Atras, and Elhanan Helpman. 2006. “Contracts and Technology Adoption.” Unpublished.
D) Theses and Dissertations
Author Last name, First name. Year. “Title.” PhD diss. University.
Example: Nash, John. 1950. “Non-Cooperative Games.” PhD diss. Princeton University.
Web Sites
This is for the reference research done on a Web site. If you want to cite a specific article, document, lecture, speech, etc., see the reference examples for those types of doc unmints.
Web Site Name. Year accessed. Publisher/Company. URL (access date).
Example 1: Factiva. 2006. Dow Jones Reuters Business Interactive LLC. (accessed June 5, 2006).
Example 2: Biography Resource Center. 2006. Thomas Gale. September 25, 2006).
Newspapers, Online Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Reference Works
Because newspapers, online dictionaries, encyclopedias, and databases are being continuously updated, they should be cited as a footnote in the text. It should NOT be included in the reference list. The note should always include an access date along with the URL. If possible, use the appropriate URL for the site entry rather than the general URL. If you are citing the definition for “nepotism” in the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, use rather than http://www.m-w.coml.
Magazine Articles
A) Authorized Articles
Author Last name, First name. Year. “Title.” Magazine. Month or date, page number(s).
Example: Belkin, Lisa. 2003. “The Opt-out Revolution.” New York Times Magazine. October 26, 23-32.
B) Non-authorized Articles
Magazine. Year. “Title,” Month or date, page numbers.
Example: The Economist. 1991. “The Ins and Outs of Outsourcing ,” August 31, 54-56.
Online Magazine Articles
Author Last name, First name. Year. “Title.” Magazine, date. URL.
Example: Becker, Gary S. 1993. “The Evidence against Blacks Doesn’t Prove Bias.” Business Week, April 19.

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