Closed joint - stock companies in Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina / Zatvorena akcionarska društva u Republici Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini


  • Горан Маричић Влада Републике Српске - Служба за заједничке послове



The new Company Law in Serbia, which was published in the Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia, No. 36/2011 of May 27 2011, in reference to joint-stock companies, makes no distinction between open and closed joint-stock companies. According to the new Law they all have become open. Closed joint-stock companies, as institute of French Law, have been abolished. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Srpska, the Company Law have defined divisions to open and closed joint-stock companies, similarly to the Company Law in Serbia since 2004. The author, in his paper elaborates and analyzes differences and similarities between open and closed joint-stock companies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in its entities.

