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Ikanović, Veljko, Sudija Vrhovnog suda Republike Srpske i vanredni profesor Fakulteta pravnih nauka, Panevropskog univerziteta Apeiron Banja Luka
Ikanović, Veljko, Sudija Vrhovnog suda Republike Srpske i vanredni profesor Fakulteta pravnih nauka, Panevropskog univerziteta Apeiron Banja Luka
Ikanović, Veljko, Sudija Vrhovnog suda Republike Srpske i redovni profesor Fakulteta pravnih nauka, Panevropskog univerziteta Apeiron Banja Luka


Janjić, Miroslav, Tužilaštvo Bosne i Hercegovine
Janković, Radenko, District Attorney at the District Attorneys Office Banjaluka
Janković, Radenko, Republic Public Prosecutor at the Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office of Republic of Srpska
Jovašević, Dragan, Full time professor, Faculty of Law of University of Niš
Jovašević, Dragan, Redovni profesor, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu
Jovašević, Dragan, Full professor, Faculty of Law University of Niš
Jovašević, Dragan


Karović, Sadmir, Assistant professor for Criminal Law, Faculty of Law of Travnik University, employed in the State Agency for Investigation and Protection
Karović, Sadmir, Associate Professor for criminal law, Faculty of Law, University of Travnik, employed at the State Agency for Investigations and Protection
Karović, Sadmir, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University in Travnik, employed at the State Investigation and Protection Agency
Karović, Samir, Vanredni profesor, Pravni fakultet, Univerzitet u Travniku, BiH, zaposlen u Državnoj agenciji za istrage i zaštitu


Lišić, Muhamed, L.L.M. of Law sciences, lawyer from Brcko District


M. Simović, Marina, Secretary of the Ombudsman for Children of the Republic of Srpska and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of „Apeiron“ University in Banja Luka
M. Simović, Marina, vanredni profesor na Fakultetu pravnih nauka Univerziteta „Aperion“ u Banjoj Luci i sekretar Ombudsmana za djecu Republike Srpske
M. Simović, Vladimir, Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Security and Protection Independent University in Banja Luka and Faculty of Law University „Vitez“ Vitez
M. Simović, Vladimir, Tužilac Tužilaštva Bosne i Hercegovine i vanredni profesor Fakulteta za bezbjednost i zaštitu Nezavisnog univerziteta u Banjoj Luci i Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta „Vitez“ u Vitezu
Macan, Siniša, Ph.D in Computer and Information Science
Macan, Siniša, Doktor nauka iz oblasti računarstva i informatike
Madžarević, Jelena, LLM, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Shire (Ethiopia)
Marić, Tamara, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law Sciences, University of Apeiron; Ministry of Justice RS
Marić, Tamara, Doc. dr na Fakultetu pravnih nauka Univerziteta Apeiron, Ministarstvo pravde Republike Srpske,
Matijević, Milica V., PhD, Research Fellow, Institute of Comparative Law, Belgrade

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