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, Fakultet pravnih nauka, Panevropski univerzitet Apeiron, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


Medić, Duško, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Republika Srpska and full professor of the Faculty of Law Sciences of the Paneuropean university ‘’Apeiron’’ Banja Luka


Mitrović, Ljubinko, Full time professor, Faculty of Law Sciences, PanEuropean University „Apeiron“ Banja Luka and Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mitrović, Ljubinko, Redovni profesor, Ombudsman za ljudska prava Bosne i Hercegovine
Mitrović, Ljubinko, Redovni profesor, Ombudsmen za ljudska prava Bosne i Hercegovine
Mitrović, Ljubinko, Redovni profesor na Fakultetu pravnih nauka Panevropskog Univerziteta APEIRON u Banjoj Luci, naučni saradnik Instituta za uporedno pravo Beograd
Muminović, Elvir, Assistant Director of the Indirect Taxation Autority of Bosnia and Herzegovina, PhD student at the University of Business Studies Banja Luka
Muminović, Elvir, Assistant Director in the Business Services Sector in the Indirect Taxation Authority BiH


N. Simović, Miodrag, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, full-time professor of the School of Law, University of Banja Luka, Active Member of the Academy of Sciences and Art of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Palermo, Francesco, Professor for comparative constitutional law, University of Verona and Head of the Institute for comparative federalism, Eurac Research, Bolzano/Bozen
Pušac, Jovana, Attorney at Law and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law Sciences of the Pan-European University APEIRON in Banja Luka
Pušac, Jovana, Attorney at Law from Banja Luka and Assistant Professor, Law Faculty of the Pan-European University “Apeiron”


Rakočević, Aleksandra, Judge of the Basic Court in Podgorica
Rakočević, Velimir, Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Montenegro, Podgorica
Raković, Đorđe, Associate professor, Faculty of Law University of Banja Luka

, Akademik, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore


Rendić, Saša, Diplomirani pravnik, Banja Luka


Simović, Marina, ecretary of the Ombudsman for Children of the Republika Srpska and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University Apeiron Banja Luka
Simović, Marina, Secretary of the Ombudsman for Children of the Republika Srpska and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University Apeiron Banja Luka
Simović, Marina, Secretary of Ombudsman for Children of Republika Srpska, Associate professor at the Faculty of Law at “Apeiron” University Banja Luka, Republika Srpska
Simović, Marina, Sekretar Ombudsmena za djecu Republike Srpske, vanredni profesor, Fakultet pravnih nauka Univerziteta „Apeiron” Banja Luka
Simović, Marina, Secretary of the Ombudsman for Children of the Republika Srpska, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of „Apeiron“ University Banja Luka
Simović, Marina M., Secretary of Ombudsman for Children of the Republika Srpska, Full-Professor, Faculty of Legal Sciences of „Apeiron“ University Banja Luka
Simović, Miodrag, Vice president of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Full Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Banja Luka and Active Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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