Globalization, value system and changes in quality of life
In the modern world system activity, which manifests as a resultant of a processof globalization. No modern society is exempt from the process of globalization
in a greater or lesser degree. All social substructures , under the infl uence
of globalization events, changed the facets of their relationship, especially
in the period before the beginning of the last decade of twentieth century .
Globalization manifests itself as a universal process or a global methodological
framework, with a whole set of social research methods and techniques for
«adjustment» of structural concrete and specifi c segments of the supremacy of
the process philosophy, which is contained in the number and quantity. Generating
the association of individual, social or any other substructure, voluntarily
or forcibly, is the essence of operational techniques and procedures of
the methodological framework that is called globalization. A techniques and
procedures are actually some transition in the world. Dominance in the structure
of the globalization processes to adapt the world demands of powerful
(state, company) determines the capital. Interests of any country any powerful
companies that want to increase the capital, in any way and get to it and
the main target. Th erefore, the dominant three dimensions of globalization:
technological, economic and IT. Th e dimensions of democratization, human
rights or humane development of personality in the background or virtually
no, compared to the three major dimensions, primarily through a number of
events observed, the quantity and signifi cance statistics process. Collapsed to
a system of traditional and orthodox values and the general, and rthe individual
level. Instead of values the collapse of society , constituted a vacuum
or empty space waiting for a long time, more than two decades, to establish
what might be called a system of values. Globalization processes have changed
the cultural patterns of human life and meet their quality of life in the sense
that it becomes a higher priority in the consideration of individual mechanical
switching hardware , which can be operated from a «center». In doing so,
it ignores the internal dimensions of human beings, which is very complex.
Because of its complex internal dimensions of human beings, who are opposed
to globalization «terror», can sometimes devastating eff ect on society, which is
also shown in terms of South Slavic environment.