Radical feminism as a discourse in the theory of conflict


  • Jelena Vukoičić




Radical feminism represents one of the types of the feminist theory, founded
on the attitude that the society is based on the patriarchal grounds, because
of which women are marginalized and discriminated against. Th is theory
can be defi ned as a confl ict theory because it is based on the assumption that
a society consists of opposed fractions (sexes) whose relations are based on the
domination of men over women, as well as the one that a society and diff erent
relations within it can be best described by observing these relations and the
attitudes of sexes toward them. Since the radical feminist movement had been
founded on the principles of Marxism, which, as well, represents the most
important confl ict theory, the comparative analysis of Marxism and this type
of feminism is the key component of this research, in order to see similarities
and diff erences between the two theories, and, based on those, defi ne some of
the main characteristics of the radical feminism as a confl ict theory.

