Development of the idea of security
Historically, the concept of security has been understood, interpreted and defi
ned in diff erent ways. In addition, it is a notion that has been, unlike any
other, mentioned and studied in all branches of science, natural and technical,
as well as social and humanistic ones. It is exactly due to the utilization
of the concept of security in diff erent areas of life, that it has been much more
diffi cult to defi ne it uniformly. Furthermore, it is the fact that the changes
occurring on the international scene since the end of the Cold War caused
the changes in ideas related to the security in general, and all its concepts.
With referral to the previous, this paper points out that traditional concepts
of security are no longer able to explain and deal with the complex nature of
contemporary security challenges, risks and threats. Th at is why nowadays,
when considering the security issues, there are numerous perplexities, such as
the question whom the security needs to be provided for, who is responsible
for security, who are those who impose the security threats, and what are the
procedures, means and methods to have, preserve and enhance the security.
Th e aim of this paper is to show how the concept of security has developed
throughout the time and the diff erent views and ideas of security occurring
throughout the history.