Lifelong education and learning together with their infl uence on the life quality of the adults - sociological view
Lifelong education does not seem to know any limits of age or scientifi c disciplines.
For the most part, it could be perceived as an ongoing aspiration
for something new and diff erent. Furthermore, a society based on lifelong
education can provide more stable environment for better future and better
quality of life.
With relation to skills, abilities, support of primary and secondary environment
together with their dependence on fi nancial possibilities, individual
motivation and energy connected with ever changing needs of workplace,
most people are bound to educate and acquire knowledge throughout their
entire life.
Th e empirical part of my research task consists of a questionnaire (Appendix
1) that was answered by 92 respondents, out of which 56 (60,9%) were
female and 36 (39,1%) male. Considering the level of education, 12% of
respondents had PhD, 30.4% of them acquired MA, 28.3% had professional
degrees, 21.7 acquired associate degrees, 4.3% did not fi nish higher/
university education, whereas 3.3% had secondary/high school education
only. Average age of the respondents was 44.9 years. Th ey were chosen by
the method of random sampling, and submitted their answers via digitallyformed