Using quality educational approaches to implement new skills
Everyone is involved into the process of education, but the approaches
and methods of each individual depend on the nature of their work,
needs, capabilities and abilities. The primary socialization has an influence
on how much of skills and knowledge we bring into further life
which we then continuously upgrade and update.
I will carry out a survey using the survey method and statistical processing
of the data collected within the management staff from educational
New knowledge to the individual can also be provided through
Delores’ four pillars of education:
- Learn to know.
- Learn to be able to know.
- Learn to know how to live in the community and among others.
- Learning to be.
We educate ourselves all our live. Depending on our own skills, abilities,
support of primary and secondary environmental interdependence,
of financial ability, will, Elan and needs to upgrade its own
knowledge, as well as those that occur in the workplace. Lifelong
Learning knows no age limit, not industries, is still only an aspiration
to something new, different. The society, based on Lifelong learning,
can provide a brighter future and better quality of life.