Problems of graduate nurses in everyday practice / Problemi diplomiranih medicinskih sestara u svakodnevnoj praksi


  • Duška Jović Medicinski fakultet Banja Luka, RS
  • Darija Knežević Medicinski fakultet Banja Luka, RS
  • Nataša Egeljić-Mihailović Univerzitetski klinički centar Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, BiH/RS



The importance of nurses in the Republic of Serbian is still not sufficiently recognized, and it can be said that the role of nurses in the region and in our country, undervalued. The health care system of the Republika Srpska is still no systematization which would define the role of nurses with different levels of education. This leads to animosity between graduate nurses and other health care team members, and the greatest damage suffered by patients.
The aim of this study is to assess the objective, everyday work problems graduate nurses in the Republika Srpska and their comparison with similar or the same problems faced by nurses at work in other countries. Used the method of literature review in the international databases in the period from 21.12.2014 to 31.12.2014.
The main problems that nurses face in their daily work are: relationship nurse-patient ratio of nurses to patients, communication between nurses and doctors, the relationship between nurses. The comparative analysis shows that all of these problems in a negative way more pronounced in the Republika Srpska healthcare than anywhere else in the world. Although our nurses have sufficient knowledge, skills and tenacity to overcome these problems, but they are not set as leaders of teams of health care as in the world, but are systematically pushed aside. The result of such relations is that a large number of graduate nurses each year go into the European Union countries where their diploma appreciates and have economic values.

