Demonstracija praktičnih veština u nastavi zdravstvene nege / Demonstration of Practical Skills in Nurse Education


  • Hajnalka Požar Medicinska škola „7.april“, Novi Sad



Modern teaching in the schools of the XXI century is marked by terms of flexibility, innovation and requires the introduction of numerous innovations. Schools are required to modernize the education technologies, and leave the traditional teaching methods. Modern teaching methods reflect the relevant didactic assumptions to improve the effectiveness of teaching. Emphasis will be put the changes, that are designed to create independent and creative personalities. The attention in education is aimed towards individuals who have logical and critical thinking, this is extremely important in the nursing profession. The nurse is the only profile in health workers trained in health care. In the nurses education it is very important the way of realization practical training. This paper analyzes the didactic-methodological elements of demonstration, practical activities and the students exercise, as the very important segment of their preparation for future work. Analyzing these teaching methods, we expect results which will serve as a guide, on how to change the traditional “ex cathedra” teaching, to modern education, that allows independent cognitive activity and interactive participation of all students.

