Development and tendencies of education of nurses-technicians in the process of reforming the educational system of the Republic of Serbia // Razvoj i tendencije obrazovanja medicinskih sestara-tehničara u procesu reformi obrazovnog sistema Republike Srbije
Education of nurses in Serbia as in developed countries must follow the development and needs of the health system. This is still very difficult to implement because of the multi-week ‘hyperproduction’ of healthcare staff, and insufficiently basic systematization of jobs, mismatch of professional titles, as well as the ever more intensive departure of our healthcare workers abroad, primarily in the countries of the European Union. Also, the development of society, the political and economic situation, significantly disturb the development of sisterly practice as well as education that plays a key role.
The issue of education and harmonization with European standards also entails the question of the competencies and competencies of teaching staff dealing with the education of future nurses, which still, at least in terms of secondary education, shows quite a strong resistance to change.
The results of this research indicate that reforming the educational system in Serbia is present in higher education of nurses while in secondary education continues to stagnate. There is no complete harmonization of the education system with respect to the lesson of hours, the structure of study programs, or the unique nomenclature of vocational titles.
The level of the pre-term for enrollment in the secondary medical school as well as the continuation of education is incompatible with European frameworks and makes it difficult to integrate into the European system of secondary education.
Teaching and study programs are not fully comparable to the European ones, except for ESPB credits and study levels.
There is a tendency for the development of nursing education in Serbia, but there is only partial preparation of nursing teachers in terms of upgrading professional titles and competences for the new education system.