Zločin genocida: međunarodno pravo i pravo Bosne i Hercegovine / Crime of Genocide - International Legislation and Legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • Dragan Jovašević Redovni profesor Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu
  • Marina Simović Docent na Fakultetu pravnih nauka Univerziteta „Apeiron” u Banjoj Luci i sekretar Ombudsmana za djecu Republike Srpske




Both international and national criminal legislation, considers genocide as particularly severe and socially dangerous criminal offence (crime). It is the worst form of violation of the right to life and existence of entire human groups - national, racial, religious or ethnic. This is the crime of crimes and is considered to be the most severe crime of today. In the strict sense, this is an international crime which by giving orders or taking immediate actions fully or partially destroys an entire human group. Therefore, after the World War II, on the basis of international documents adopted within the framework of the organization of UN, all modern countries included genocide in their national legislations (basic or special) as the most severe crime threatened by the most severe types and measures of sanctions. A similar situation exists in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. However, this crime is known to numerous international documents establishing primary jurisdiction of international (permanent or temporary - ad hoc) military or civilian courts.

