About the Journal


Journal of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute is edited and published by

International Mathematical Virtual Institute



Journal of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute  is a continuation of the earlier publication Bulletin of the Society of Mathematicians Banja Luka, ISSN 0354-5792 (p), 1986-521X (o) which was founded in 1994 and whose last issue Vol. 17(2010).  


Journal of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute publishes original longer papers (15 or more pages) in all fields of mathematics that contained new, substantial and significant results, whit complete proofs and of interest for a large number of mathematicians. Papers are published in English.



Овај часопис омогућава тренутни отворен приступ својем цјелокупном садржају у складу с увјерењем како јавна доступност истраживачких спознаја потиче већу размјену знања и идеја.


Journal of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute  is a continuation of the earlier publication Bulletin of the Society of Mathematicians Banja Luka, ISSN 0354-5792 (p), 1986-521X (o) which was founded in 1994 and whose last issue Vol. 17(2010).