Analysis of Traffic Accidents Caused by Overcome and Left Turn Actions in a Situation When the Vehicles Have Been Moved from the Face of the Place, and There Are no Tracks Found on the Road - A Case Study


  • Goran Mihaljčić master of traffic engineer, Banja Luka
  • Bojan Mihaljčić master of traffic engineer, Banja Luka



Traffic accident, left turn, absence of tracks, analysis


The basis for a high-quality analysis of a traffic accident lies in the detailed investigation documentation, which includes precisely defined fixed positions of the vehicle and associated tracks. However, we often face the problem when the participants after the accident move the vehicles from the scene of the event for the smooth flow of traffic, before the competent authorities carry out an investigation or the European accident report is filled out. An additional difficulty arises when there are no visible traces left on the road that could be linked to the place and manner of the accident, which makes it difficult for experts to provide expertise. In such situations, experts must apply non-standard accident analysis methods. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to present, through a practical example of the technical analysis of a real traffic accident, one of the approaches to traffic accident expertise that is characterized by the described problem. The subject of the work are traffic accidents caused by overtaking and left turning, as one of the most common situations in which vehicle collisions occur. The example shows the method of determining the location of a vehicle collision in a transverse sense, the creation of a time-space analysis, and the possibility of avoiding an accident in which the drivers moved the vehicles from the accident site, and no visible traces were left on the roadway.


