Problem of Organized Transport for Employees with Physical Disabilities in the Republic of Serbia
Protection of the rights of persons with disabilities is one of the most delicate elements of socio-development, economic and above all social policy, which aims to remove negative consequences, both on the quality of life and work of these people, and members of their families. One of the key problems facing persons with disabilities in the Republic of Serbia is a (non)organized transportation. Therefore, it becomes more difficult to ignore members of this population while using the public transport capacities and the problems they face at the opportunity. The main goal of this paper is to point to the legal barriers that are present in the national legislation of the Republic of Serbia, which affects the long-lasting maintenance of this population’s high unemployment rate. The results of the research indicate a very small number of vehicles that are given to the use of people with disabilities in the Republic of Serbia, of which 1/3 owns the mechanical ramp, and 2/3 hydraulic ramp. Finally, the paper zoned the map of the Republic of Serbia, in order to indicate through the graphical representation of the (non)existence of transportation in certain parts of our country to persons who are immobile in the lower extremities.Downloads