The Impact of the Age of the Vehicle Fleet on Traffic Safety - Vehicle as the Third Pillar of Traffic Safety


  • Nemanja Deretić Belgrade business and arts academy of applied studies
  • Dragan Stanimirović Ministry of transport and communications of Republic of Srpska Banja Luka



Traffic accidents are, today, accepted as a global problem and activities are being undertaken to adapt and transfer successful practices from the most developed countries to underdeveloped and developing countries. The impact of a road transport system is so significant that its safety or lack of safety affects a wide range of social needs. Road safety or mobility without risk of death or injury affects health, poverty, equality, the environment, employment, education, gender equality and the sustainability of communities. Many nations around the world have improved the effect of pillar interventions by applying them selectively and strategically in accordance with the principles of the safe system approach. The safe system approach addresses problems closer to their root cause and on a broader level than conventional methods. The five pillars of road safety identified in the Global Plan for the Decade of Action 2011-2020 include a set of evidence-based interventions that can measurably improve road safety. Preparation and adoption of strategic documents - a traffic safety system development policy and strategy is a great way to demonstrate traffic safety management. The most important common denominator for all successful traffic safety practices is science-based strategic traffic safety management, which has clear, honest and publicly expressed political support. The paper presents the analysis of the third pillar „safer vehicles“ and its influence on the approach of the safe system from different aspects.


