Increasing the Efficiency of the Bonus / Malus Determination Process When Contracting Auto Liability Insurance


  • Dragan Mihić IQC Ltd, IT programer and developer in Financial Sector, London
  • Tomislav Vujinović Pan-European University APEIRON Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska



Decrease in the price of the policy in the following text Bonus and increase in the price of the policy in the following text Malus is currently determined by searching the data in spreadsheets, hereinafter referred to as the Book of Incidents. The owner of the book of incidents is the Insurance Agency, which collects data from all active insurance companies. The insurance agency migrates all collected data into one file and distributes it by e-mail or CD to all active insurance companies. The book of incidents is a Microsoft Excel file from which the insurer can search for a vehicle or insured person who may have caused an incident in the past, damage to his vehicle as well as to the vehicle or a third party.


