Contemporary conditions of business operating
are becoming a growing challenge for the
definition of business operating and electing
strategies. A special problem for the growing influential
factors is being defined in the strategic
domains from public sectors. For the aim of high
quality elections, the top management of a company
needs to be provided with many pieces of
proper and up-to-date information. The commercial
orientation of a company is a continuative
process which has its roots in the possession of
information from marketplaces, their interpretations
in the mechanisms of companies, as well as
in the proper analysis of these information for the
aim of making efficient decisions. In the process
of creating, the allocations of information in a
company and in the reaction of the information
collected in such a way, all organizational teams
are being involved, as well as all levels of management.
All this process is aimed at creating
conditions for making a profit in business and
also for the maximum satisfaction about clients̕
needs. According to this, the top management has
to lead an adequate policy of planning and functioning
which includes dynamics among organizational
units and an organizational structure
which defines and enables marketplace orientation.
As a result of the conducting process of all
elements from the strategic management, the capacity
of a company is developing and represents
a prerequisite for gaining competition benefits which are accomplished by customers, employees
and company operations. In making business
decisions, especially the strategic ones, customers̕
information are used, as well as the information
from the surroundings that may have an effect
on the activities of a company. From all these
statements, it can be concluded that the analysis
of customers and keeping up with opportunities
and threats (the influence of internal and external
factors) enables a market-oriented company to
gain competition benefits and, simultaneously, to
make conditions for the continuative growth and