Biological and economic significance of beekeeping


  • Violeta Santrač



Honey bee, biology, API technology, diseases and bee vitality


Having in mind the understanding of the functioning of bee communities, the role and importance of bees for maintaining natural balance, but also the economic valorization of beekeeping, the author chose a review of more or less all key features that characterize this animal species to the extent that should fit into a monograph. Without pretensions to go into details and make the text burdened with numerous professional elaborations and data, the decision went in the direction of a pragmatic description of real issues related to the essence of the topic. Elements related to the sustainability of the honey bee are considered through the analysis of previous and current experiences, as well as insight into the necessary activities that will enable more successful survival of the honey bee, one of the most important “farmed” animal species most directly involved in pollination service, biodiversity and food productionand some other useful byproducts for human use. The text presents basic biological informations about the species and gives a basic connection with the ecological system. The most significant diseases and pests in our, wider areas that endanger the health of bees and affect the reduction of the number of bee communities are highlighted. The part that would refer to the details of the procedures of diagnosis, treatment and prevention was omitted because it would require highly professional terminology and details that are dealt with by experts in that field. A brief overview of the situation in beekeeping in Republika Srpska is unofficial and modest because there is almost no official data, which is a big problem, not only in this area. The need to inform the public about the projections for beekeeping in the Republic of Srpska, and to direct recommendations to strategically designed and created development, in continuity and with clear campaigns, is the goal of the chapter on beekeeping.


