Online Tools in Teaching Literature in Times of Troubles


  • Milena Škobo Sinergija Unievrsity, Bijeljina



Bearing in mind the fact that the number of research papers dealing with the ways in which literature can be most efficiently taught in the digital era and the ways in which the existing online educational tools can be applied to teaching literature online is rather limited, we set out to conduct a modest research aimed at tackling these issues and providing the literature teachers with more information regarding the use of digital tools specially designed to meet the needs of literature courses. The first part of the paper offers a glimpse into literature review, in which the history of using modern technologies in literature teaching is briefly presented, the second part of the paper examines the list of online tools that can be the most effectively and easily adapted to literature classes, while the third part of the paper sums up the main ideas presented and opens questions that point to the need for further research into this field.


