The Educational Philosophy of Yad Vashem


  • Chava Baruch Head of the Eastern European Desk in the European Department of the International School for Holocaust Studies of Yad Vashem at Jerusalem



The Holocaust is usually presented by the traditional way of histori- cal research, analyzing different kinds of written documents, testimonies and pictures, in order to have a better understanding of the historical pro- cess of the “Final Solution”. This kind of presentation gives a comprehensible picture of politi- cal decisions, which were made by the perpetrators, but the image of the Jewish victim remain unclear in the shadow of the ashes of the gas cham- bers. The Jew has no face, no past, no family, he is no more than a helpless subject of the Nazi policy, part of a huge mountain of burned skeletons, a mathematical sum up of 6 million losses. This way of presentation streng- thens the Nazis’ perception of the Jews, which smashes not only his body but his memory too, since nobody can feel a real empathy for numbers. The immediate reaction to those traumatic horrible pictures is rejection or de- nial. This point of view leads to a claim of inability to understand the Holoc- aust as part of the historical phenomena, and to describe Hitler as an insa- ne, a sick one! This approach is especially dangerous, since it liberates the perpetrators from responsibility.


