Genocide in the Age of Post-Truth: A Brief Introduction to Semantics


  • Ana Ćirić Pavlović specijalista za jevrejske studije i međunarodno pravo; Centar za razvoj društva, Beograd i Budimpešta


Throughout the twentieth century’s warfare, along with the innume- rable atrocities committed around the world, arose the necessity to define the ultimate violation of human rights and “the crime of crimes” under internatio- nal law. If a mass murder proves genocide, it will theoretically impose an obli- gation for international institutions to intervene and prosecute such cases. The aim of this essay will be to stipulate a brief overview of the utilization and definition of the term “genocide” as well as to highlight some of the key aspects of the Genocide Convention introduced under the auspices of United Nations in 1948. Moreover, some of the main explanations for the politicization of geno- cide will be offered. To conclude, authoress will provide predictions about the outlook of this phenomenon as well as its perception, considering the changing nature of modern warfare.


