
  • Borivoje Milošević College of Applied Technical Sciences, Aleksandra Medvedeva 20, Niš, Serbia
  • Slobodan Obradović Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo, Vuka Karadžića 30, Republic of Srpska



The paper discusses one of the most popular fields in the optical research of materials that has undergone a remarkable transformation. The study of metamaterials gives birth to a whole new scientific field called „transformation optics“ which promises to greatly increase the potential of manufacturing of synthetic nano-optical materials whose structure is located within the sub-wavelengths. Interactions of electric and magnetic field waves with modules of sub-wavelength produce effects that are impossible to get in natural materials, such as negative refractive index, unlimited degree of inertia and so on. Their development has offered an exciting potential to design a completely new type of optical materials.


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