Osnovne karakteristike zakonodavstva Karađorđeve Srbije / The Basic Characteristics of the Law in Karadjordje’s Serbia


  • Dragan Jovašević Redovni profesor Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu




Parallel with the struggle for liberation of the long period of Turkish power, Serbian people lead by Karadjordje had put the base of modern state. One of the effort was to order in legal way all social relations. In the frame of newmade legal arrangment there were two criminal codes : The Act of Archpriest Mateja of 1804. and the Karadjordje’s Criminal Act of 1807., which are partly preserved and still, by them, the circumstances and the relations in that Serbia can be understood till today. These criminal acts are in the borders between Middle Age criminal law from the Dusan’s Code. as the most important written legal act of the Early Middle Age period, and modern Serbian criminal law.

