Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina With Particular Emphasis to the Enjoyment of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


  • Ljubinko Mitrović Full time professor, Faculty of Law Sciences, PanEuropean University „Apeiron“ Banja Luka and Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina



Human rights and fundamental freedoms are the inherent rights of every human being on the planet, they are, as a rule, universal, indivisible and inalienable. Human rights are there, around and between us, every day and every moment of that day. In addition to the state territory, the inhabitants populating that territory and the public authorities, human rights are nowadays an indispensable, fourth element of the state. It is the duty of every democratic state to protect the basic human rights and fundamental freedoms of every human being, without discrimination on any grounds: sex, race, color, property, origin, political or other opinion. In addition to civil and political rights, which are somehow always in the focus of observation of all of us (certainly because of their importance), human rights and freedoms of the second generation, i.e. economic, social and cultural rights, must not be neglected. These rights will be mostly in focus of this paper, and especially their status and implementation from the perspective of a special institution that deals with the promotion and protection of human rights - the Institution of the Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


