Normative Aspect of the Tax System of Republika Srpska in the Light of Taxation Theory


  • Dinka Antić Associate Professor, Faculty of Law Sciences, PanEuropean University „Apeiron“ Banja Luka and Head of Department for Macroeconomic Analysis of the Governing Board of the Indirect Taxation Authority of BiH, Banja Luka



In general, the tax system of Republika Srpska is defined by the Constitution of Republika Srpska, and implemented by a large number of tax legislation. Starting from holistic approach for design of tax systems, it is necessary to design a tax system on the basis of taxation principles. The Law on the Tax System in Republika Srpska represents a unique legislation which combines normative and positive aspects of public finances, and in a broader sense, a compilation of normative, regulatory, operational and analytical dimension of public finances in the sphere of tax systems design. Normative aspect is manifested in prescribing and defining general and individual taxation principles, as well as specific principles for determining taxes, while positive aspect relates to prescribing analytical tools for estimation of tax burden in Republika Srpska. An analysis of provisions of the Law in relation to taxation theory has shown a need for precise formulation of essence of the prescribed principles by implementing legislation, in order to enable a consistent application of the Law within Republika Srpska, aiming at efficient and economical collection of public revenues and enabling optimal tax burden of taxpayers.


